Thursday, June 27, 2019

Getting Tired of It

It doesn't seem to matter how many times it is PROVEN that gun control doesn't work, it never seems to dawn on anti-gun fools that none of their STUPID laws do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun crime." Instead, their laws INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for those who routinely IGNORE their laws. After the shooting in Texas, many things are happening: Nancy Peelosi is DEMANDING action on gun control measures now languishing in Congress; gun control organizations are using the latest mass shooting as fund-raisers and recruiting tools; Obama's former Education Secretary Arne Duncan is calling for a school boycott until gun laws are changed (to WHAT. Arne?). Crazy Bernie Sanders (and many others) blames the NRA for the Texas shooting (while ignoring the shooting at a Trump facility); comedian Jimmy Kimmel blames Trump and Pence for the Texas killings (with NO evidence, as usual): The Texas governor hosts a "roundtable" on the Texas shooting: a school shooting in Illinois is stopped by a private citizen with a gun, and is IGNORED by the liberal media, as usual; Boulder, Colorado passes an unconstitutional "assault weapons" (whatever THAT is) ban and gets sued for it the next day; Trump says this "has been going on too long now, too many years, too many decades," while anti-gun fools fuss and fume , recruit new members, and raise money on the blood of those murdered children, while IGNORING the one thing that might make a difference, allowing teachers and other school staff to bring their legally-carried guns to work. These things happen EVERY TIME a mass shooting occurs, anywhere. Always in a "gun-free zone," always done by people their laws did NOTHING to stop from getting their guns. I've written these same words (or words like them) many times (too many times to count). Only people who agree with me seem to read them, and "nod their heads" while others IGNORE them. I'm getting very tired of it. (Just common sense)

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