Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ban Guns, Murders Up

That's a given, according to a recent study by the Crime Prevention Resource Center. Of course, the anti-gun fools will say, "So what? The study was done by a conservative source, so it doesn't count." To which I reply, "Who else would conduct such a study and not bury it with those results?" Every "study" that says otherwise is subject to the same criticism, with the anti-gun fools being the ones being RIGHTLY criticized. They put out phony studies all the time. Studies with questions calculated to get the numbers they want, taken in liberal "strongholds" where they can count on the answers they want. This study went to places where guns were banned, and uniformly their murder rates went up after they banned them. In the Solomon Islands, they ONLY had shootings begin AFTER banning guns. Surprise, surprise! ONLY after banning guns! Imagine that? That certainly puts the LIE to what the anti-gun fools want us to think, doesn't it? But will that stop them in their tracks? Not a chance. They will ignore it and go right on with their quest to make as many Americans as possible "sitting ducks" for lawbreakers, who ignore their silly laws and just get their guns illegally. The more guns we ban, the more criminals go into the illegal gun business, selling guns to other criminals. That's a given. (Conservative Tribune)

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