Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Murder Shop closed

If this continues, Missouri will be the only state with no abortion facility. Horrors! A state where there is no place to murder your child for you! The judge will hear arguments on whether or not the bloody murder center will remain open, and be able to murder helpless infants while the case proceeds through the courts. PP actually sued the state, saying the action they took was “bordering on harassment.” Never mind they’re in the murder business. PP actually has the temerity to call what they do “care.” The fact remains that abortion is MURDER. The formerly heavily liberal Supreme Court notwithstanding. Their decision in Roe v. Wade has led to the MURDER of countless helpless, defenseless babies for the “convenience” of the parents, who had unprotected sex and do not want to be “saddled with” the result for 18 or more years. There ARE cases where abortion might be called for, such as saving the life of the mother. But not otherwise. Neither incest nor rape is an excuse for murdering a child. Adoption is definitely an option, and there is no shortage of people who wish to adopt. Abortion is just as hard on the woman’s body as is childbirth, and adoption does NOT “still a beating heart.” The argument about a “woman’s right to control what happens to her own body” is moot as long as prostitution remains illegal. (NBC News)

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