Monday, June 3, 2019

Impeachment: What FOR?

Dumocrats have been talking about impeaching President Trump ever since they discovered that all their “dirty tricks” and cheating hadn’t gotten their pet politician, Hillary Clinton, elected president. But they can’t come up with a real reason to impeach him except that they don’t like him. That “last honest man,” Bob Mueller, actually went out in pubic and ADMITTED their bias when he said that, “It we ‘FELT’ that Trump had committed a crime, we would have said so.” Never mind that it’s not the prosecutor’s job to put in the record what they FELT. It’s their job to find PROOF of wrongdoing, and he did NOT, after almost TWO YEARS of searching under every rock and crevice to find some. His statement was GUARANTEED to give the House impetus to look for more, and Jerry Nadler picked it right up, announcing immediately that he would continue searching for proof, so he could “get rid of Trump.” A majority of DUMOCRATS still want to impeach Trump, for something, ANYTHING, although their leadership is “dragging their feet” on it, because they fear rightfully that the Senate will (again) find him NOT GUILTY of any “crime or misdemeanor,” and that will ruin them. That’s because he’s only guilty of one “crime,” and that’s keeping his promise to “drain the swamp,” and they’re afraid he’ll soon get to them. Meanwhile, he’s done more good for America and Americans than any president before him in his first two years in office. (Just common sense)

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