Friday, June 7, 2019

"Selective Concern"

The liberal media never showed much concern about the safety of Rep. Scalise, who was the actual victim of a left-leaning gunman who opened fire on many government officials who were taking part in a charity baseball game. But now they’re oh, so worried about “death threats” to Muslim Rep Ilhan Omar after President Trump criticized her for her insensitive cracks after she attempted to minimize the effect of the 3,000 innocent deaths on 9/11, an atrocity perpetrated BY Muslims. That goes right along with the tendency of the liberal media to push Muslims, while holding other Americans back. They try and minimize what some Muslims do, all over the world, while “building up” Muslims in this country. I haven’t figured out what their motive is in promoting Muslims over Christians, and other religions, or anybody else, but I’m working on it. Extremists, who claim to be Muslims, have committed some of the most heinous crimes there are, culminating in the World Trade Center atrocity on 9/11, And Muslims think it’s “racism” to criticize a Muslim, in any way. They even created a phony name for it: Islamophobia, which attempts to attach a “mental aberration” to anyone who dares to criticize a Muslim, in any way. But being a Muslim is NOT a “race,” so it isn’t racism. And Islamophobia is a made-up, phony word to intimate a phony idea that criticism of Muslims is a “mental aberration.” It is NOT. And anybody who so much as uses that term to describe anybody is either deluded, or suspect. (Daily Caller)

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