Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Media Intentionally Lies

The headline read: “Trump likes raising minimum wage.” They took that from his answer to a question about raising the minimum wage. “He said, 'I'm looking at it, but what I want to do is create jobs that pay much more than the minimum wage.” That's how they TWIST what people say, and people who only read the headlines and never get into the “meat” of an item believe it, because they don't know any better. They PROUDLY “pay no attention to politics,” and thus they know NOTHING about what's really going on believe it, because they don't know any better. They commonly use erroneous headlines to “set the narrative” to what they want to portray. Other methods include actively LYING on basic issues and seeing to it their LIES are repeated, over and over, in many places. (Rush Limbaugh)

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