Friday, February 27, 2015
Internet Takeover Unconstitutional
But that's not surprising. Everything Obama DOES is unconstitutional.
He is an “”out of control criminal” who has conned his way into
the presidency. And I believe he will find a way to stay in office
after 2016. Probably by trumping up something to allow him to
postpone (forever) the elections. Frankly, I fear he is doing the
exact same thing Hitler did to undermine their laws and take over as
a dictator. And nobody in DC has the BALLS to do anything about it.
They're AFRAID! Chances are this is the last time I will have a
chance to say this, so I'm going to say it now, and wait for a knock
on my door from men in dark suits and aviator-style sunglasses. Obama
can't let something like this go unanswered, just as his IRS can't
let my report on the LYING before Congress of his IRS Commissioner go
unanswered. (CNS News)
False Accusations
In many cases, accusations of “police brutality” are accepted as
true, even without EVIDENCE. Just as accusations of sexual harassment
and rape are, with no "evidence" but the unsupported word of the woman, leading to FALSE accusations in both cases. In this
case, however, the miscreant didn't figure on being “on camera”
as he hit HIMSELF in the face to give himself a couple of black eyes
he could blame on the cops. He has been hit with even more charges,
in addition to the stalking and first degree sexual assault that got
him there, in the first place. The whole point of this is, it's EASY
to blame the cops these days—too easy. Some cops don't like the
cameras some are being forced to wear, but they are as much for
their OWN protection from false “police brutality” charges as
they are there to “keep THEM honest.” (Daily Caller)
"Respectful" Strip Searches?
A “school official” at Neufchatel High School in Quebec City,
Canada. Is defending herself after an outcry because she authorized
“strip searches” of a bunch of female high school students to
found out if any of them had any pot. Now Yves Boulduc, the
bureaucrat in charge of Canadian schools, says “the school
officials did nothing wrong.” How stupid is THAT? How do you
“respectfully strip-search” a 15-year-old girl? Fact is, there IS
no such thing as a “respectful” strip search, whether or not this
fool knows it. There may not be a “Fourth Amendment” in Canada,
but I'd bet they do have a law against unreasonable searches,
And if they don't, they ought to. Especially since they
did this WITHOUT telling the kids' parents. Bolduc
says the province is now changing the rules—closing the barn door
after the horse is gone. What REALLY makes me mad is that there was
not even a TRACE of “probable cause” that these kids had any pot.
They just decided to strip them naked so they could search their
clothes, “just in case” they had some pot. What's next?
“respectful cavity searches?” Similar searches have happened in
America, in spite of the Fourth Amendment. (Daily Caller)
Thursday, February 26, 2015
He Must Be A Racist
mind he's black. He's disagreeing with Obama's policies, so he MUST
be racist, according to Obama. He's only 12 years old, but he's “wise
beyond his years” in what he says in this video. Obama will find
some phony way to discredit him, probably because of his age. He
can't use the usual “racist” accusation because the boy is black.
So he'll probably say he's too young to know what he's talking about.
But this boy has been PAYING ATTENTION as most others in his age
bracket do not. That's why he knows so much. And Obama HAS TO
discredit him because way too many people will listen to him, and
that could upset ALL of Obama's plans to LOOT America. If we had more
people like this kid out there, we wouldn't be in this trouble
because they would not “buy” Obama's BS (stinky brown stuff). And
that would SINK Obama's plans. (Godfather Politics)
Governed By FOOLS!
being governed by fools. Obama thinks socialism is the way this
country should be run, even though we surpassed everything socialists
could do in less than 300 years using the free market, bypassing all socialist countries,
some of which have been in existence for thousands of years. One of
his current spokespeople, Marie Harf, says, “We can't defeat the
terrorists by killing them,” and “All they need is jobs and
they'll stop killing us.” Another former Obama employee, David
Axelrod, thinks Obama has gone six year WITHOUT a scandal. He just
can't understand that Obama is STEEPED in scandals! He has more
scandals than any other president EVER had! He apparently doesn't
have the INTELLIGENCE to understand that. Meanwhile, while we are
being threatened by Islamic terrorists, Obama is QUADRUPLING the number
of SYRIAN “refugees” he is allowing in millions of people from South America (with many terrorists
among them) while CRIPPLING our border defenses to let even MORE in.
He may be clever, but he's STUPID in the way he thinks! And he seeks
out and hires people as STUPID as he is. (Just common sense)
"All They Need Is Jobs?"
of Obama's fawning “spokespersons” said the other day, that all
we need to do to stop Islamic terrorism (studiously not using the
words "Islamic terrorism") is to provide them with JOBS. What a damned FOOL this broad
is! What a LOAD of garbage she's feeding us! Is she really STUPID
enough to think we'll BUY this crap? What we REALLY need is to
provide each and every Islamic terrorist with their own BULLET, fired
into their BELLY so it'll take a long time for them to die, and it
will be VERY painful. His female spoklestupid says, “We can't kill
every terrorist in the world, and we shouldn't try.” Why not?
Because Obama thinks so? They don't need “jobs.” They need a
BULLET. In a place that guarantees a long, slow, and PAINFUL death.
To guarantee they will suffer a LOT before getting their “virgins”
(if those "virgins" exist, at all). The really funny thing is, we can't even
find jobs for OUR people, let alone Muslims. This woman (Marie Harf)
is making herself famous for her STUPIDITY. (Inquisitr)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Can Obama Ignore the Courts?
what 43% of DEMOCRATS seem to think (That's a large percent of FEMALE
voters—aren't they the ones that got this fool elected?). They
completely ignore the fact that the courts are FULLY EQUAL to the
president in this government. Congress passes laws, the president
signs them into law and enforces them, and the COURTS decided their
CONSTITUTIONALITY. That means if the COURTS find them
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, he CANNOT ENFORCE THEM. Thinking he can ignore the
courts is FOLLY. He CANNOT legally ignore the courts, though he has been
doing it since he was elected, and NOBODY has seen fit to DO anything
about it. And until they do, he gets away with it. Somewhere, down
the line, somebody will “take him to task” for his ignoring of
the courts. It's too bad there's no provision in the Constitution to
PUNISH a president (or anyone else, for that matter) for violating
it's precepts, beyond reversing any action he/she takes based on
ignoring the Constitution. It could be that ALL he has accomplished
by ignoring the Constitution can be REVERSED. To quote the
Constitution, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people” Obama does NOT have the
authority to ignore the courts, period. Maybe if he does that, he can
be found in contempt of court. (Godfather Politics)
Flashing the "Muslim Gang Sign"
Obama didn't think we noticed. and in truth, not many people DID. but
at a recent meeting of the US-African Leader's Summit, he brazenly
“flashed the Muslim “gang sign,” confident that, while most
non-Muslims would not pick up on it, it would “reassure” Muslims
that he was solidly in their corner. He thinks Americans are not
smart enough to pick up on such things, but, unfortunately for him,
some of us are. And while many Americans WON'T pick up on it, others
do. But apparently, he doesn't care. He can't run for president
again, anyway. But I wouldn't put it past him to pick a “front man”
(who will follow orders--(like "Ol' Joe") to run for president next time, while he
runs for VICE president—which he CAN do. He will NOT be “succeeding
himself,” but if he uses the same powerful forces he used to push
Hillary out of the way in 2008 to elect someone he knows will follow
his orders, he WILL be the “de facto” president for a third
term. I hope I haven't given him a workable idea. But I don't doubt
his devious mind has thought of it, already. (American Thinker)
"No Scandals?
what Daviud Axelrod says, completely ignoring Benghazi, the
IRS spying scandal, the NSA spying scandal, Obama's “gun-running”
to the Islamic terrorists AND the Mexican drug cartels, his printing
money with nothing behind it, (which is COUNTERFEITING if I did it),
one in SEVEN Americans being on Food Stamps, plus many more: things
like his machinations with the “Cat Food Commission.,” his paying
illegal aliens tax “refunds” for years in which they paid NO
taxes, cutting more than $28 Billion out of the military budget when
we're fighting wars on several fronts—wars he refuses to admit
we're fighting. There are so MANY SCANDALS in this administration, I
can't even NAME them all. But they DO exist, no matter what David
Axelrod (Obama's former chief of staff) says about it. They're just
IGNORING them ALL so they can LIE about it. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Are Cops Legal Thieves?
The way laws are written, the cops can just TAKE
any of your property, any time, by just SAYING they “think” you
got it by criminal act. No proof seems to be necessary. Sometimes
they offer you SOME of it back if you APPROVE of them keeping the
rest. This is how the RICO law has been written for years. It was written
supposedly to stop “drug lords” from escaping convictions because
they have an endless supply of money for “fancy lawyers” that
allows them to “walk all over” federal lawyers, who must operate
within a budget. That this is, and was, unconstitutional because it robs people of constitutionally guaranteed equal treatment under the law, doesn't seem
to bother anybody Now the State of Virginia has beaten back a law
designed to nullify that, at least in Virginia. House Bill 1287,
which would have required a conviction before any property could be
confiscated, was defeated. So I guess the cops can go on being
bandits, taking what they want, just by CLAIMING wrongdoing on
somebody's part, and then putting the money or property into their
own property to use to reduce dependence on budgets. Sometimes
individual cops get a “cut” of it for making it possible.
(Freedom Outpost)
A Name Is A Name Is A Name
duck Attorney General Eric Holder just doesn't understand why Fox
News is making such a big thing about Obama's INABILITY to call
Islamic terrorism by its name. What he can't understand is that if
you can't even CALL it by its name, how can you fight it? What he
really doesn't understand is that Obama doesn't WANT to fight Islamic
terrorism. He still doesn't have the INTELLIGENCE to understand that
Islamic terrorism is a deadly enemy to the United states and, as its
president, he MUST fight it, or SURRENDER to it. And to fight it, he
MUST BE willing to name it. Holder says if Fox didn't have this to
talk about, they wouldn't have ANYTHING to talk about. What abysmal
STUPIDITY has affected this fool! They have MANY things to talk
about, and most of them have to do with Obama's CRIMES against nature
and the United States! NO, Holder understands it all too well. He
just doesn't want US to understand it. Media Matters thinks because
Fox didn't use those words in a recent feature, they're even. They're
not. Obama won't use them as a matter of POLICY. Fox uses them
regularly. Media Matters is GOOFY. But we knew that. (Media Matters)
"Bush Lied, People Died!"
has been a standard litany from the left, and it has been a LIE the
whole time they said it. Saddam DID have WMDs, and he just shipped
them elsewhere before we could find them so they could claim he
didn't have any. Today, even the New York Times, usually Obama's
“Democrat House Organ,” agrees, in an unusual case of true
journalism. “The .CIA actually PURCHASED chemical weapons IN Iraq,
supposedly to keep them out of the hands of Islamic terrorists (which
they call 'insurgents').” This was a “firestorm of libel against
Bush, and he did nothing to dispel it, so it has become an “article
of faith” among liberals, even though WRONG. Yet they still say there were no WMDs, years after it has become acknowledged FACT among iintelligent people that there WERE some there! (American Thinker)
Monday, February 23, 2015
Suffering Fools Gladly?
FOOLS GLADLY?” Anybody who knows me knows that's one thing I
never do. Then I come upon an item in “One Political Plaza”
posted by one “Jack 2014” who calls Bill O'Reilly “Bill
O'Fairy,” thus eliminating himself from being believed about
ANYTHING and plainly showing his bias that accused Bill O'Reilly of
the same things Brian Williams has ADMITTED to, falsifying his
“experiences” in “war zones. He bases it on a “Mother Jones
piece by a man O'Reilly calls, “a disgusting piece of garbage”
who has been looking for something, ANYTHING to discredit Fox News (and O'Reilly specifically)
for years. It is based on unproven allegations and excerpts from a
FICTION book O'Reilly wrote. And it's interesting that he had to go
back to the 80s to even FIND anything. CNN even showed an interview
from another correspondent who was not WITH O'Reilly who says HE was
a thousand miles away. This “Jack 2014” likewise is an obvious
Fox hater, who calls Fox “Faux Snooze.” I don't put much stock in
any of this. (One Political Plaza) Scroll down.
"Lassitude and Passivity"
That's how
columnist Charles Krauthammer described Obama's reactions to Islamic
terrorist atrocities. We needn't even mention him (Obama) going out
golfing right after ISIS announced the MURDEROUS beheadings of 21
Christians, exhibiting his complete disdain for the Christians and
APPROVAL of the terrorist actions. Throughout, Obama has done many
things to HELP the Islamic terrorists, among them refusing to even
MENTION the Islamic nature of the terrorism while RELEASING bloody
murderers from GITMO to go back and kill more non-believers. I'm
almost reluctant to use the word ATROCITIES to describe what the
ISLAMIC terrorists do, but I can't find a more expressive word that
hasn't also been overused.
they're LISTENING. They even referenced Obama's bogus comparison of
the Crusades (which was the Christian RESPONSE to the ATROCITIES by the then Islamic terrorists) to their CRIMES, as if there were a good
reason to do so. What we need is ANOTHER “Crusade,” less
atrocities committed against US to search for sympathizers. We need
to “go after” the Islamic terrorists with EVERYTHING we have,
instead of continuing the TEPID RESPONSE Obama has tried, so as not
to hurt them too much, while keeping his “plausible deniability”
about his APPROVAL of their atrocities. We need to treat this as the
World War it is, instead of just trying to “limit” them and
“control” them. We need to DESTROY them, “root and branch.”
another thing we need to do is see to it ALL Americans can be armed,
to defend ourselves when they come to our shores to kill US. They
have promised to do so, and I BELIEVE them. Frankly, I think many of
them are already here, just hiding and waiting for orders. (Just
common sense)
Attacking Walker
The Democrat (liberal, socialist) attacks on Scott Walker have begun.
But don't worry about him. He survived everything they could throw at
him in his home state and his “political capital increased. And he
did it as an unabashed conservative, which liberals (Democrats) say
can't be done. Now they're giving him a hard time because he didn't
graduate from college. If that's all they have against him now, he's
in good shape. Where is it written (except in the annals of the
socialist (Democrat) Party that a college diploma is required rt be
president? Nowhere, that's where. So what's all the hoopla? It's all
about destroying him as a possible candidate before he can run—as
they think they've done to Sarah Palin. The only people who think
she's “too conservative” to be elected are the Democrats, and their dupes.
(Freedom Force)
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Should Rudy Apologize?
No, he should NOT. I don't know if Obama was BORN in a foreign
country. The jury is still out on that one. He DID register at one college as a "foreign-born student." He was RAISED in a
foreign country. He was admittedly BORN to communists, Raised BY
COMMUNISTS, AND mentored by communists his entire life in a country
where hatred of America is pounded into the heads of children every
day. How he could not be a communist sympathizer, it's impossible to
say. He has said, many times, that this country was STARTED by slave
owners and that we have STOLEN whatever we have “from the poor.”
How you steal from the poor who have nothing, I can't fathom. That's
just one of the items of ILLOGIC liberals always whine about. Ergo:
he doesn't “love America.” Rudy merely stated the obvious, out in
the open, and the liberals' heads exploded, as they always do when a
non-liberal tells the truth about them. You should NEVER apologize
for telling the truth. No matter how much those liberal FOOLS scream
and whine. And Rudy is doing just that. Good on ya, Rudy! (New York Post)
Sharpton's Done
Well, we can hope, can't we? A lot of people think of Al Sharpton as
a “stand-up guy.” I never have, but that's neither here nor
there. CNBC thought enough of him to give him his own TV show, even
though most of the time, he was threatening to call large
corporations racist if they didn't send him money. That, and showing
up wherever he could WHIP UP racism, like Ferguson, MO. That
extortion worked usually, and he has gotten rich off the proceeds.
Maybe MSNBC was one of his victims and they gave him a show to keep
him off their backs. One problem. He ignored his taxes. They kept
asking him and asking him to “pay up,” and he didn't. Now the
IRS has gotten serious. It's “payoff time” for Sharpton and if he
doesn't, he may well end up in prison. Of course, that's where he has
belonged, for a long time, considering all the trouble he has caused,
and the people who have died because of him. (Tea Party Bulletin)
I'm Getting Depressed
I've spent almost the last 20 years of my life trying my best to
reveal the things power brokers don't want us to know by publishing
stories they want HIDDEN. But all my efforts seem to have gone for
naught. Nothing seems to change. Obama keeps on committing criminal
acts as president, and NOBODY does anything about him. So he keeps on
doing them, getting more and more blatant all the time. Meanwhile,
the people who COULD do something about him do nothing. So he gets
away with it, and it becomes commonplace. By so doing, he makes the
Constitution worthless. Then he makes really STUPID comments, such as
“Rights do not come fro God,” and, “I've ended two wars,” which he
hasn't. He has only RUN from the battlefield. He cites FAILURES as
“achievements,” and the people who “do not pay attention to
politics” lap it up like a thirsty puppy laps up water. The same is
true of people like Rush Limbaugh. They ignore what he says, except
to make light of him and ridicule him when he tells the truth about
what they do. (Just common sense)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Stating the Stupid
Obama is frightened. That's why he favors Muslims in everything. I
thought he was just favoring them because he IS a Muslim, and wanted
them to win, but I may be wrong. He revealed his fright when he told
us we're ”just inviting Jihad by criticizing Islamic
terrorists.”(naturally, he didn't use the words, “Islamic
terrorists” because he's afraid to). But to INTELLIGENT people,
criticizing Muslims has NOTHING to do with Jihad. They want to KILL
everybody who won't “knuckle under” and “convert” to Islam
and criticizing them makes no difference whatsoever. How do you make
someone who has “gone off the deep end” madder? They have to know
when you BEHEAD people and kill innocent people, including CHILDREN,
for not believing the way YOU want to dictate, people are GOING to
criticize you. Unless they're COWARDS. Just saying what Obama said
illustrates not only his stupidity, but his shaking knees. He's a
COWARD. I have no respect for this fool, president, or not. What a
damned fool he is! (Daily Caller)
Some People Are Really Stupid!
college students, who have listened to their communist, terrorist,
socialist professors. This is an outgrowth of the tendency of
colleges to hire such people as Angela Davis, a well-known communist.
And before your eyes “glaze over,” KNOW that communism is NOT
“dead.” they only PRETENDED it was in Russia “to put America to
sleep,” which they certainly succeeded. People like Davis continue
to teach their POISON in class, and the impressionable youngsters,
who know no better, “lap it up” like a thirsty puppy “laps up”
water. Now college students want their colleges to”divest
themselves” of any “oil stocks” of any kind, completely
ignoring the fact that oil is absolutely NECESSARY to our lives, and
to generally divest ourselves of investments there can be disastrous.
But they won't admit that, because they're too well “conditioned.”
(Just common sense)
"Ending Bush's Wars"
That's one of the goals Obama had coming in, and it's one he DID
attain. Of course, the way he did it, it was easy. He did it by
“cutting and running” without finishing the job we went in to do
after we WON the initial phases. Now, in Iraq, Muslim militants (ISIS, ISIL, IS, or whatever they call themselves today) are in the process of taking back everything many of our troops
gave their lives to win. What he has done is indefensible and makes
what we did meaningless. He thinks the war in Iraq was meaningless,
but he's WRONG. Since
the Islamic terrorists (a term he REFUSES to use, by the way) had a
great friend in Saddam Hussein, and a “safe harbor” they used for
training and recruiting, Also, he gave them a lot of money. We
eliminated that when we “took him down.” Not to mention getting
rid of a bloody dictator, which made the people living there very
happy—all except for the Islamic terrorists. (News Max)
Friday, February 20, 2015
Gore's Con Falling Apart
But it has
already made him a billionaire, so he doesn't care too much. How do I
know it's falling apart? I just stick my head out the window while my
ears freeze. If what Gore predicted was so, we'd be having a VERY
mild winter this year. Instead, it's VERY cold, and we're having
record snowfalls in many areas where Gore said it would be almost
snowless. In truth, this globe has NOT been “warming” for more
than 15 years. Instead of “pulling in his horns,” he changed the
NAME of his swindle to “climate change,” so he could claim
warming OR cooling was caused by it, and goes right on fleecing us.
“Climate change” is a largely meaningless term that allows him to
blandly blame ANY kind of “climate change” on his idea of what's
bad, so he can keep “coining the bucks.” Even Obama has jumped
“on the bandwagon,” since he realized it could help him pass even
more restrictive laws and regulations while charging more and higher
“fees” that are supposed to help him 'fight climate change.”
He's a “Johnny come lately,” but he plans on making the most of
it. It's all based on a ONE DEGREE INCREASE in temperature in 100
years, and MAN being the cause! To me, that's not a problem—it's a relief. IF it were true.
It isn't. (Just common sense)
ISIS Cells In America?
Yes. Certainly. Nobody with any intelligence at all thinks otherwise.
With Obama's laxness on border control, illegal Mexican (and other
South American) aliens are not the only ones coming in. Terrorists
have been coming in, right along with them. And Obama is delighted.
It fits right in with his plans to “teach America a lesson.” Yet,
outfits like News Max are just now asking that question. Even though
they should have had the answer to it for a long time. But maybe
they're just asking the question so WE will think about it, and take
action. The fact that the FBI has “active cases in 49 of the 50
states involving Islamic militants confirms it, and there HAVE been
actual ATTACKS by Islamic militants on an ongoing basis, even though
the government gives them other names and will not admit they ARE
Islamic militant actions, to “gloss them over” and make us think
we're “still safe.”. They're HERE, folks, Make no mistake about
it. And we'd BETTER be alert. (News Max)
Voluntary Now, Mandatory Later
It's a common scam. Make something "voluntary" to get it into law. then later quietly make it mandatory. It's a “nose in the tent.” Like the camel, who ended up
INSIDE the tent while the Arab shivered OUTSIDE, this Sharia Law
setup that has been established in Texas cannot ENFORCE their
edicts—YET. But somehow I can't see a Muslim who is condemned to
have his hand cut off WILLINGLY allowing it. They SAY it is a
“nonbinding arbitration firm that adheres to Islamic principles,”
and that participants must AGREE to abide by its decisions”—at
least, for now. This is how they slip things into America. Establish
it as an innocuous thing and, once it is firmly established, quietly
make it mandatory. (Glenn Beck)
Thursday, February 19, 2015
It's All Poppycock!
Horse sh-t; bullsh-t. Horse puckey, BS, balderdash! Any word you
want to use to describe Obama's approach to the basis for Islamic
terrorism, it all means the same. Obama is a DAMFOOL if he thinks the
INTELLIGENT people in America will buy his “explanation” for the
Islamic Jihad that is being waged today (though those Rush Limbaugh
calls “low information voters” might). Poverty has NOTHING to do
with it. If it did, it wouldn't be JUST the Islamics who are going
around MURDERING Christians and Jews because of their faith.
Everybody in the world living in poverty would be doing it. They have
been very “up front” about their reasons for their rampages (guess he didn't notice that): they
want the WHOLE WORLD to become MUSLIM, or DIE. And they're willing to
do the killing. Obama can't even bring himself to SAY the words
“Islamic terrorism” or “Islamic extremism,” or any other word
that will connect Islam to the atrocities they commit. They have NO
“grievances” against us, except for what we do to stop their
atrocities. Their “grievances” are, like the word “Islamaphobia,”
made up out of whole cloth. It is NOTHING we did that “set them
off,” except to believe in a different God than they do. It's as
simple as that. Obama is out to COMPLICATE it with his “summit”
against extremist violence where they aren't even allowed to MENTION
the real root cause. (Just common sense)
Racism Is A Handy Tool
And Obama uses
it everyday, in every way. You have but to disagree with his policies
and say so to be accused of racism, by him, and all his cohorts. A
racism accusation is the most WORTHLESS thing to come down the pike
because it has been so overused by this WORTHLESS president and his
accomplices. Obama is as much white as he is black, but he CHOOSES to
be black for the advantage that gives him. He LIED (surprise!) when
he told us if we elected him, we'd DESTROY racism forever. What we
did was make racism WORSE. Only not the kind of racism we used to
have. Now we have blacks openly hating WHITES and discriminating
against them. Obama is the worst thing ever to happen to race
relations in this country, and all over the world. (Just common sense)
Obama To "Strangle" Conservatives
of the things Obama hopes to do is “strangle” conservatives. Like
they're OUR enemy more than Islamic terrorists. He works harder on
that goal than he does to “strangle” Islamic terrorists. What he
fails to realize is that, contrary to what his advisers tell him ,
conservatives are in the MAJORITY in this country, and if they all
come out to vote, he's TOAST. Conservatives are not ANY kind of
“enemy” to this country. Maybe to HIM, because he wants to LOOT
this country of everything he can, and conservatives do everything
they can to stop him. All conservatives want is less governmental
interference in our lives, less government spending of OUR money on
what is important to HIM, not to us. They want a government that is
SMALL, and only “runs the infrastructure” while doing its most
important job: to protect us from outside powers, as well as those
INSIDE. They're NOT “the enemy, to anybody but a CRIMINAL who
wants to rip this country off, as he does. So I guess they ARE his enemy. (Daily Caller)
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Yet Again
forgot this Tuesday, and for that, I apologize. Once again, I was
stymied in my effort to bring you the truth. This time by a silly
incompetent installation of a bathtub faucet a couple of weeks ago.
They ended up taking out half a wall in the bathroom, which shares a
wall with my office—the one against which my desk sits. This made
it impossible for me to do any work Tuesday. My apologies. I'm only
one guy with a computer and it doesn't take much to slow me down,
though it's impossible to stop me as long as I'm breathing.
"Are You Muslim?
That's the question asked by Terrence Lawton Thomas at a bus stop IN
AMERICA (outside of Detroit). When two of them said, “No,” he
took out a knife and started stabbing them. Fortunately, he wasn't
too good at it, and only managed to injure them. Cops “scooped him
up” and put him in jail. Which proves that there are way to many
FOOLS who subscribe to the Muslim “Bible” (Koran) telling them to
KILL non-believers in Islam. Muslim leaders say that doesn't apply
any more, but way too many Muslims think it still DOES. Personally, I
think it does, too, according to what they tell them in their
mosques, where non-Muslims can't hear them because they keep them
OUT. It's obvious this guy was well radicalized, right here in
America—and I bet I can guess where. This is an aspect of Muslim
terrorism that is the most insidious because you can't tell who will
try to kill you for not “believing” until he starts killing you.
(The Blaze)
What's WRONG With These People?
they know that many Muslims are the ENEMY? Don't they know the things
they espouse are inimical to everything we hold dear, even if they DON'T try to kill you? Don't they know the “bible” of their ”faith” (The Koran) instructs them
to HATE us because we don't believe the away they think we ought to?
To KILL us if we don't “convert? For what Earthly reason would a
school in Florida teach our kids about Islam? In spite of the
strenuous objections of their parents? Do they WANT to lose their
jobs? Don't they know that if the Muslims have their way, we'll all
be praying to Allah five times a day (at the point of a gun) while
our women go around wearing TENTS? Laws prevent the teaching of
religion in our schools—ANY religion. EXCEPT Islam, it appears. How
do these people get around that? How do they get AWAY with that? We
can't teach about Christianity (or even mention its name), but they
can teach about Islam, in detail, with exhortation to "convert.". What are their bosses doing? (Eagle Rising)
Don't "Degrade," DESTROY!
You often hear boob Obama say we must “degrade” ISIS in Iraq. He also
says going into Iraq was a mistake. The Islamic terrorists had a
“safe harbor” in Iraq, and Saddam gave them a lot of money to
fund their atrocities. Invading Iraq and taking Saddam down ended all
that—at least from Iraq—for a while—until Obama told his troops
to “cut and run,” allowing the terrorists (under whatever name)
free rein to come back and retake all the territory many American
soldiers gave their lives to take. And “degrading” the Islamic
terrorists is NOT the answer We “degraded” them when we took over
Iraq. They quickly came back and retook all that territory when Obama
told us to leave, and are rapidly taking over the whole
country—again, while KILLING a lot of people.. I'm firmly convinced that was Obama's PURPOSE. To
allow them to regain all the territory we took under Bush. Now he's
doing it again, in Afghanistan. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
"Partnering" With The Enemy
That's what Obama is doing today. He is “partnering with the KNOWN
terrorist-supporting organization, “The Islamic Society of Boston”
to—get this—FIGHT TERRORISM! They're connected with other Islamic
terrorist organizations, and they run many mosques in Boston, where
Islamic terrorists gather to make their evil plans to kill innocent
Americans because they won't “convert” to Islam. “In a recent
Washington Times op-ed, Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov of
Americans For Peace and Tolerance, warned that ISB 'and its political
arm, the Muslim American Society, seen as the go-to groups for civic
and law enforcement partnerships, have links to many extremists who
are either in jail, in flight from federal authorities, or have been
killed during terrorist attacks.' The group also ran a full-page ad
about ISB’s participation in the summit in the Washington Times
under the headline, 'Why is Boston a Hub For ‘VIOLENT EXTREMISM?'
'” (One Political Plaza) Scroll down.
This Isn't War
In war, you don't
target the weakest among us. You go after “strong points,” hoping
to weaken the enemy sufficiently to be able to win. This is simply
MURDER and KIDNAPPING for ransom. It's a “moneymaking scam.” They
go out and kill people to get more money coming in—and there is
always somebody out there evil enough to fund murder and mayhem. They
CLAIM “lofty goals” (in their minds) like “dealing with
Infidels,” but what they really want is to make as much money as
they can from the blood they spill. Otherwise, why would they kidnap
a pretty young girl, hold her for ransom, then kill her before any
ransom can be paid while CLAIMING she was killed by someone else? Oh,
and I forgot: raping her many times before killing her. That's what
these people do best. Burning a Jordanian pilot is not war, either.
It is a “war crime.” All they DO is “war crimes, and they need
to be punished for it, in the most painful way. (Just common sense)
Why I "Knock" Muslims
Yes, I know ALL Muslims are not terrorists, even though all
terrorists recently have been Muslims. Way too many Muslims, even if
they don't go out and kill people who don't believe the way they want
to DICTATE, do some really STUPID things. And it's not just
individuals who do them. In this case, a man raped, beat, and KILLED
his FIVE-YEAR-OLD daughter because he “doubted her virginity.” A
FIVE YEAR OLD! Then, instead of getting a death sentence or even life
in prison, he was allowed to BUY his way out of jail for a paltry
Thirty one pounds (because the judge thought that, with his short
jail stay, this payment, and his daughter's death was “enough
punishment.”--as if he cared, since he killed her himself) The money was paid to her mother, HALF of what he
would have to pay if she were a boy. That brings up their routine
treatment of women of ALL ages, which is abominable. Elsewhere,
women are not allowed to be out in public without a man who is
related to them, and must wear what amounts to a TENT, lest another
man desire them, and they are so “untrustworthy,” of course, they
might go along with it. Then there is their one-sided DIVORCE laws,
and RAPE laws, where any rape must be observed by FOUR MEN to be
proved, And there is “honor killing,” where a man can KILL his
daughter for being SEEN with the wrong man, or for refusing an
“arranged marriage.” And they DO it, way too often, even in the
United States. Though they get punished much more severely here than
in countries run by Muslims. That's when they get caught. Other
Muslims too often cover it up. (Tea Party Politics)
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Computer Got Me Again
Yesterday, my computer wouldn't even start. And I spent
the entire day trying to find out why. Turns out ir wasn't the
computer itself, this time. It was a “thumb drive” the computer
wouldn't start while it was in there. As soon as I pulled it out, it
worked—at least as well as usual. Sorry about that. Oh, well—that
thumb drive was mostly a copy of what's on the other one, which is
still in, and working (so far).
"Grumpy Cat" Is Smart
knew there was a reason why I liked that “Grumpy Cat.” It's
because he's much like me. They just call me a “grumpy old man.”
There is much to be grumpy about in this ongoing “Obama world,”
and this collections of Obama comments, followed by reactions by the
“Grumpy Cat” (found in “One Political Plaza, posted by RETW,
in Elk, Washington. I love cats, anyway. But this one takes the cake.
Of course, I like dogs, too, even if both think I'm crazy to like the
other. I hear that the “Grumpy Cat” now has his own TV show. I'm
glad. I hope he makes a lot of money from it so he
can “live a life of Reilly” for the rest of his life. He deserves
it. (One Political Plaza) Scroll down.
"Overstating the Terror Threat?"
what Obama says, hoping to make the media “lighten up,” while
terrorists behead CHILDREN and adults and kill innocent people all
over the world. And even BURN people in cages while recording it for
the world to see. Yeah, the media is “overstating” it. Seems to
me the media is just REPORTING what the Islamic terrorists are DOING.
If that's “overstating it,” I'm for that. It's all part of
Obama's effort to minimize what the Islamic terrorists are doing,
while refusing to even NAME them for what they ARE. Nobody will
believe he is ONE of them, and is trying his best to make us think
they are no kind of threat to the mainland. It is becoming more and
more apparent that he is LYING, as usual. If somebody doesn't realize
it, and DO something about it soon, we're going to be an “Islamic
State” before you know it, living under “Sharia Law.”
The PRESIDENT is not supposed to align himself with our ENEMIES, which is why it's so hard to convince people he has. (Minuteman News)
Taking Over Everything
That's what Obama is doing. He did it with the auto industry with
loans (our money) many of them didn't need, but which were forced upon them.
Banking, too. They put a bunch of major bankers in a ROOM And told
them they were “not getting out of here before you take his money,”
while taking the money meant you were “beholden” to the
government. He took over other industries by FIAT, using “rules and
regulations” to do it. That's what he's in the process of doing
right NOW with the Internet. He has put out the word that “the
Internet is “broken,” when it ISN'T. He's using the FCC to push
the FICTION that the Internet is a “public service” like radio
and TV and they're coming up with “regulations” to “keep the
big boys from bullying the little guys.” Which isn't happening, and never will. What WILL happen is that they'll make “rules” to
stop people like me from criticizing them. When they do, I'll become
a “criminal” because I won't shut up. (Glenn Beck)
Friday, February 13, 2015
Obama Did It Again
supplied Islamic terrorists with American weapons, this time in
Yemen, where he instructed his troops, as they FLED the Islamic terrorist “takeover”
(some even leaving running cars in airport driveways as they RAN) of
the Yemen military base as part of the takeover of the COUNTRY, to
“leave their weapons. This is becoming a pattern today. Islamic
terrorists overrunning positions while American soldiers can't fight
back because of Obama's “rules of combat,” and having to ABANDON
their weapons and other equipment, which the terrorists put to good
use, since that weaponry and equipment made it easier to murder more
people. This is how he is ARMING the Islamic terrorists,
without seeming to be doing so. He has “plausible deniability”
while he helps them kill people. (Freedom Outpost)
"My single Failure"
Eric Holder says, “Not passing gun control is my single failure.”
his “singlefailure?”
What a damned FOOL he is. But then, we knew that about him. what an arrogant ASS he is to think that would be his SINGLE failure! It's hard
to figure out his SINGLE failure while in office as Attorney General.
He has so MANY. One of those is his failure to properly investigate
Obama's “gun-running” operations in Mexico and Syria. Another is
letting Obama and Hillary get away with letting four Americans DIE in
Benghazi through INACTION, without a MEANINGFUL investigation. Yet another is his IGNORING all the times
Obama violated the Constitution, which he COULD have stopped. I could
go on and on, listing all the things he COULD have done if he was
doing his job, but I won't. You get the idea. (Minutemen News)
Creating More Comment
One of the ways Obama keeps people from talking about his REAL crimes
is to “drag” a “strawman” across in front of us. Sometimes
it's hard to tell if what he puts out IS a “strawman.” But his
recent comparison of Christianity's “atrocities” of a THOUSAND
years ago is such an obvious attempt, we don't have to even talk
about it. While we're debating whether or not the Catholic Church did
things just as bad as the Islamic terrorists do today, we're not
talking about Benghazi, where his (and Hillary's) inaction resulted
in the DEATHS of four embassy personnel, including an ambassador, or
his spending more money than there IS, while printing more “funny
money” so he can spend more. Or his attempt to take over the
Internet by saying it's “broken,” when it ISN'T. And we're not
even talking about his myriad OTHER scandals and swindles, including
appointing Muslim Brotherhood members to his STAFF so they can do
their dirty work from INSIDE. His latest attempt is his comment that "Rights do not come from God." whether they do or not, certain rights are ours by "right of birth," not by an edict of government. (Just common sense)
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Signal to Thieves
It's okay. Go ahead and steal. We won't try and catch you. That's the
message Wal-Mart sent when they fired one of their managers for
following, and catching a shoplifter who ran with $1,000.00 worth
merchandise. They told the world that was against store policy. He
should have left that to the cops—who weren't there. They usually
aren't. They're so afraid of being SUED for something, they'd rather
let a thief get away. The manager was fired for “gross misconduct,”
which means no other Wal-Mart can hire him. If I were him. I'D sue
them for improper firing and overstating the reasons. Ir they're so
worried about being sued, I'd give them an even better reason. To
fire a man for “gross misconduct” for doing something that SHOULD
be approved, and costing him his $50,000.00 a year salary is, in my opinion,
actionable. This is like their stupid “gun-free zone” in their
stores. That sends criminals a different message. (Last Resistance)
Gut-Shoot Them
That's the only way to handle the Islamic terrorists, under whatever
name they operate: ISIS, ISIL, IS, Boko Haram, Palestinians, Taliban,
al-Qaida, etc. They're all Islamic terrorists, no matter how much our
vaunted president denies it. They kill people and maim others. They
behead people: adults, AND children. Some children while their
parents watch, before they are beheaded, themselves. They RAPE the
women (even the small girls) before they behead them. They kidnap
innocent people and attempt to ransom them, before they kill them,
too. Sometimes AFTER they have killed them. They burn people to death
and film it so they can show it to the world. These people are a
“waste of space.” They don't deserve to be able to take UP space
on this planet. When we catch them, we need to “gut-shoot” them
so it'll take a long time for them to die, and they will be in major
pain the whole time. Don't take them prisoner. Don't send them tom
GITMO to be “coddled” with their own flat-screen TV in their
cells while being allowed to Skype their families while sending coded
messages to other terrorists, and then released, to go back to the
“battle” and swell the ranks of Islamic terrorists. KILL them,
and they will be DONE. But that'll never happen, not so long as
their “good buddy” Obama is in the white House. Some wimpy
liberals say if we do that, we'll be “sinking to their level.”
Maybe that's what we NEED to do. That's all they understand. (Just
common sense)
Angela Davis Still Working?
I don't understand the STUPIDITY of the people who hire college
professors. They make such STUPID choices as to who they hire! Angela
Davis is just ONE of the more stupid of hires since the sixties. Another is that home-grown terrorist who bombed the Pentagon and,
somehow. escaped real punishment. Now he's a “confidante of a
president” while he still teaches his POISON to our easily-led
kids. Both teach their poison and make very nice salaries while
subverting a generation. Angela Davis is a well-known communist. And
before your eyes “glaze over,” let me tell you it's NOT a
“rumor.” It's FACT. So why is she still employed as a PROFESSOR
in a college while making subversive speeches elsewhere? Worse, it's
“African-American (Black—sorry, PC police can go stick it)
History Month,” another thing that mystifies me. Why do BLACKS get
a special month devoted to their history when WHITE Americans DO NOT?
They'll call me a racist for asking that question, but I really would
like an answer. They want to be treated as EQUALS. But that treats
them as “MORE THAN EQUAL.” It's NOT racist to want to know WHY.
It's racist to CALL me racist for asking for an answer. Why is "Black History Month NOT racist, while "WHITE History Month IS? Can somebbody answer that? WILL somebody? (DailyCaller)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Terrorists Use Our Courts
England is paying a soon-to-be or recently released terrorist ₤1.5
MILLION dollars for his 13 years in GITMO, as if he had been
“exonerated” when he was released. Now it come out that such
payments have been made to released terrorists before. I guess it's
true that politicians don't care how they throw around OUR money. Why
did they pay them? Because they were afraid they were going to sue
the government! For keeping them prisoner when they were found
KILLING people! Terrorism PAYS! Since when does a “prisoner of
war” have standing to SUE his captors? Did you know we gave HAMAS
billions of dollars, ostensibly to rebuild schools and infrastructure
in Gaza? Whaddya wanna bet that money went into rocket bombs that
rained down on Israel? Are we STUPID, or what? If we lose to the
Islamic terrorists it won't be because they're so good. They're not.
We're STUPID! We're giving away the store! (Allen West)
Teachers Arm Themselves
not here. We're not smart enough, mostly. PAKASTANI school teachers are
arming themselves in the wake of the Taliban (Islamic terrorist)
attack that resulted in the deaths of 150 innocent children AND
teachers in Peshawar. And in Israel, they “relaxed” the gun rules in the wake of Islamic terrorist (Palestinian) attacks there
that involved the murders of four Orthodox Jews and a policeman in a
TEMPLE by four men armed with knives, axes and a gun, recognizing
(rightly) the protective value of “good guys with guns.” Which
makes me wonder: why can't OUR politicians recognize this simple
truth? Why do they continue to think the average American would “go
wild” if he had a gun and cause a “wild West atmosphere” where
you can get shot over a fender-bender? They're STUPID to think that
way, but how do you “smarten them up?” You can't. Stupid is
stupid. You can only get RID of them and find politicians who ARE
smarter. As long as we keep electing stupid politicians, we will HAVE
stupid politicians, and more of us will DIE from their stupidity.
(Daily Caller)
"Conservative Extremist?"
Watch the Southern Poverty Law Center's ”Extremist Watch List. On
there, they mix the names of real Nazis, communists, etc. with
CONSERVATIVES, who scare them, since they are “known subversives”
as an organization. People like Dr. Ben Carson are listed as “anti-gay” and a “conservative.” A “double reason,”
for them, to list him as a subversive. But people in the know can
recognize the difference. All you have to do is Google his name to
find out who he REALLY is. The reason they consider him “anti-gay”
is because he is against gay marriage. But you don't have to be
“anti-gay” to be against gay marriage. I'm not “anti-gay.” I
have NOTHING against what gays do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
That's their business. What I DO oppose is them trying to ”recruit”
my children or grandchildren to BE gay. OR to usurp the WORD
marriage. For my part, they can have a contract between them that is
EXACTLY like the marriage contract. I just don't want them to be able
to CALL IT “marriage” and therefore sully that word by changing
its meaning. But militant gays don't want the contract. They want the
WORD. And that, I oppose, as does Dr. Carson. And if gays don't like
that, tough. But it is NOT “anti-gay.” (Daily Caller)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Worse Than Terrorism?
what Obama says about global warming (whatever they call the swindle now). His
former chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, now Mayor of Chicago, once
famously said, “Never let a good panic go to waste.” Now,
instead of just being AlGore's ATM, Obama is now using it to help him
promote HIS swindles. All this over a ONE DEGREE INCREASE in
temperature over 100 YEARS! And the FICTION that it is man-made. He's
trying to minimize the terrorism threat by comparing it to a “made-up
panic.” Funny. Somehow I don't think a one degree increase in
overall temperature is worse than many Muslims going around murdering
people by the hundreds, even THOUSANDS for not believing the way THEY want them to believe. beheading
people, including little girls, is, in my estimation, a lot worse
than that. Obama is becoming more and more arrogant in his SUPPORT of
Muslim terrorists, and his wish that they WIN. People had better
start paying attention to that, and DO something about it, before he
“gives away the store,” and we are living under a Muslim
Caliphate using “Sharia Law” instead of the constitution as the
basis for all laws. (Just common sense)
Is ISIS Here?
only use the term “ISIS” because it's shorter than “Islamic
terrorists.” But the question is: “Are they here? The answer is,
ABSOLUTELY! And it won't be long before we're fighting them in the
streets, like they are in Iraq and Afghanistan, France, and other
countries they have infiltrated. Think I'm nuts? Know this: cops have
open cases about Islamic terrorism in 49 of the 50 states! Most of
them concern actual Americans, many of which were recruited out of
prisons, where most of the misfits are, and who went to the Middle
East to train, then returned to work with “advisers” already
here, secretly. There's no telling how long it will be before one of
these “cells” does something horrific, aided by home-grown
terrorists, but it's coming. You can count on it. If you don't have a
gun, you'd better get one. Maybe more than one. Anti-gun fools say,
why would you need an AR-15? The answer is simple: THEY will have
them when they start their dirty work. Best you have at least equal
armament, and know how to use it. It's a WAR, and it is coming here.
Be READY! (World Net Daily)
"Allegiance to Allah!"
Fort Collins, Colorado, one middle school has allowed (suggested?
ordered?) the students to “form a cultural club and recite the
Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, using Allah instead of God,” and where they
teach that Allah is the SAME GOD we all pray to as Christians, Jews,
and in other religions—which is a complete LIE. Muslims themselves
will tell you that Allah is NOT the same God that Christians pray to.
In that “club,” girls wear traditional Muslim head scarves and
pretend to BE Muslims (pretend?) How does this kind of SUBVERSION
gain a foothold in our schools? ESPECIALLY with those misguided laws
that allow NO reference to religion, or religious figures in our
schools—EXCEPT for Islam, of course, it appears. Would we have
taught children about NAZIS as a “cultural experiment” during
World War II when the Nazis were the acknowledged ENEMY? What's WRONG
with these damned people?! Parents have protested, but apparently
with no effect. (Tea Party News Network)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Gallup CEO to "Disappear?"
thinks it's a distinct possibility because he “outed” Obama's
“big lie” about unemployment being only a percentage of the
number of people still looking for work, and ignoring those who have
GIVEN UP on ever finding a job. I know that's
hard to understand for a lot of people, but the fact remains that the
government STOPS COUNTING people who stop looking, for one month or
more. They think that's PROPER accounting. It's not. But the fact
that the CEO of the Gallup organization is worried about
“disappearing” is a WARNING to all of us that we are nearing a
dictatorship in America. I've heard whispers already about certain
people “disappearing” after they revealed some corruption or just
before they were to testify to some (it happened during Clinton's time, too). That worries me a little bit.
But not much. I'm old enough not to care. If I “disappear,” my
troubles are over. But SOMEBODY needs to talk about Obama's crimes.
(Money News)
"Settled Truth"
Wanna win
an argument you've never been able to win before? Just declare it
“settled truth” or “settled science.” Then most people will
not argue with it. But in fact, there is no such thing as “settled
science” or truth. At one time it was “settled science” that
the world was flat, and that the sun rotated around the Earth. There
have been numerous occasions when subsequent discoveries have
completely upset “settled science.” AlGore uses that line in his
selling of Global Warming (or whatever he calls it now to fool us
further). He figures if he can convince the world his theory that man
caused climate changes, he can keep the millions coming in. But it
doesn't work, for the most part, because people are smarter than that
today. They don't buy his BS as easily as they did before. (Just
common sense)
Obama LOST Two Wars!
brags that he “ended two wars,” but it's easy to “end” wars
by running away without finishing the job. Bush WON the war in Iraq
in ONE WEEK. He “took down” a bloody dictator and forced him to
hide in a “rat hole” in the desert until he was found, and
hanged, by his own people—after WE found him. We took the Taliban
down in Afghanistan and made them flee for their “hidey-holes.”
We stayed there to oversee the rebuilding of both countries, until
Obama told his troops to ”cut and run” without finishing the job.
Now al-Qaida, under a new name (ISIS) has taken back most of the
country—that many Americans died to take. The same will happen in
Afghanistan since his troops “cut and ran” from there, too.
Whatever kind of STUPIDITY makes Obama think he WON those two wars
when all he did was RUN from both, I don't know. Whatever it is, he
suffers from it. (Just common sense)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Step By Step
Brian Williams is now on the second step in his travel to obscurity.
He has taken an “extended leave of absence” from NBC so he “won't
be the story” and detract from the real news. The next step is
retirement or firing, because who in the news media is going to hire
a known liar? He follows in the footsteps of other news anchors who
have disgraced themselves by lying to “make a good story” out of
nothing. Another factor is that NBC is getting ready to fire him,
anyway. The fact that not a single NBC executive has come to his
defense makes it pretty obvious that his “leave of absence” may
become permanent. He follows in the footsteps of another news anchor,
who got in trouble for using phony papers in an attempt to discredit
former President Bush. It is believed he will be kept on in some
little-seen capacity for a while, then quietly “let go.” It's too
bad such an illustrious career will come to such an ignominious end.
He'll probably have to drive a taxi for a while, then be hired by
Al-Jazeera. They don't care about liars. They encourage it. (AmericanThinker)
Letter From Harry
I just read an
article that purports to be what former president Harry Truman might
say to Obama. Truman is the last president to REALLY “end a war”
by WINNING it when he “dropped hellfire” on the Japanese, which
scared the hell out of them—AND the Germans—and instantly ended
the Second World War, decisively. Not by “cutting and running,” as
Obama did in Iraq, and now in Afghanistan. His advice boils down to a
meaningful single line: “To WIN this war, do as I did. Drop
hellfire on them and convince them, like I did, that America is not
to be trifled with. That we have the resources to make a parking lot
out of your country and you'd BETTER stop messing around, and go back
into your “rat holes” and leave us alone. Or DIE.” The message
to Obama is, “Stop being a wimp. Forget what the rest of thew world
might think about it, just DO it. Use the FULL RESOURCES to which you
have access, and END the Islamic terrorists—once and for all.” (PatBoone, in WND)
It's NOT A Boycott!
That's what Nancy Peelosi says about the Democrats “being too busy”
to attend Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech before a combined
Congress. The fact that MOST of them will not be there does not
amount to a boycott, she says. “They're just too busy” to
listen to the important things Netanyahu has to say. But it's NOT a
boycott, she says. Considering the facts, that's as stupid a
statement as her earlier crack about Obamacare that, “We must PASS
this bill to find out what's IN it.” This woman, like most stupid
people, has no idea how stupid she IS, or how she reveals that
stupidity with her inane remarks. We're well rid of her as MAJORITY
leader. Now we just have to get rid of her, period. (AmericanThinker)
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Blocking GITMO Transfers
Two Republicans have introduced a bill in Congress to block the
transfer of GITMO prisoners to other countries, which is tantamount
to setting them free to rejoin their units and kill more innocent
people. One member said, “The only problem at GITMO is too many
empty beds.” I disagree. We don't need to send more Islamic
terrorists to GITMO. We need to KILL more. He said he'd like to see
them “rot in hell,” but he'd settle for seeing them “rot in
GITMO.” Of course, that bill doesn't stand a snowball's chance in
hell of ever becoming law as long as Obama is still in office. Even
if it passes both houses, he'll veto it. (Red State)
"Stymied By Tenure"
uses the excuse that professors have tenure to keep from firing them
when they express terrorist views while teaching them to their
students. So now they come up against a CONSERVATIVE professor, and
they're working to fire him in spite of tenure. I guess tenure isn't as strong as we
thought, huh? Not when you WANT to fire that professor. The
professor, one John McAdams, called out a student teacher for
“stifling free expression,” and got “called out”n himself for
doing it. Apparently, “free speech” only works in one direction
at Marquette University. In their efforts to “discipline” him,
they violated several university rules. They said that, “[t]he
safety of [Marquette's] students and campus community is [its] top
priority and and does not tolerate harassment and will not stand for
faculty members subjecting students to any form of abuse, putting
them in harm's way.” From the facts of the matter, McAdams did no
such thing, but in academia, even the WORD of the management
suffices. This is such an obvious attack on a CONSERVATIVE professor,
it needn't even be in question. But university management is not to
be questioned. If they want to be rid of him, he will be gone.
(American Thinker)
Bankrupting Coal
Obama has sworn to “bankrupt the coal industry” for some stupid
reason or another. Of course, this is without considering the
importance of the coal industry to energy production, as usual. I
could understand him wanting to “phase out” the use of coal if
there were ANY replacement “waiting in the wings” to replace it.
There is NOT. So all he is doing is undermining a NECESSARY industry
while CAUSING more and more unemployment, in a world where we can
afford neither. I don't know what he uses for brains, but it's pretty
obvious they are made of MUSH. You can't improve the economy of a
nation by undermining a VITAL INDUSTRY. But don't tell him that. It
will not penetrate his “concrete brain.” (Daily Caller)
Friday, February 6, 2015
Anything to Justify Islam
Obama's recent speech in which he “justifies” the deadly
atrocities performed by Muslims all over the world by saying, “We
did it!” just doesn't get the job done. You don't justify wanton
murder by citing actions they THOUGHT were proper I that atmosphere.
Yes, the Catholic Church was wrong in what they did. But they learned
their lesson and stopped doing it. Muslims have been killing people
for not being their kind of Muslim for centuries, and are showing no
signs of stopping. So that pretty much ruins what he was trying to
promote, which was to justify their wanton murder. NOTHING anybody
has done in the past justifies what Muslims are doing, NOW. It's time
he learned that. But he doesn't have the intellectual ability to
comprehend it. Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer called his
remarks “banal and offensive,” and he's right. But Obama will
never know that. (Daily Caller)
Kill ALL Terrorists!
all Muslims are terrorists. But so far recently, all terrorists have
been Muslims. I'm not recommending killing all Muslims. But we're
going to have to kill all TERRORISTS. Not arrest them; not “bring
them to justice. Not “reduce their effectiveness” or impede their
advances—KILL them, wherever you can find them. They are way too
much of a threat to the world to use the half-assed responses the
world has used, led by that wimp in the White House, Barack Obama.
This IS World War THREE, whether or not anybody will admit it, and if
we don't treat it that way, we're going to lose. We can't ”rule
out” ANY action, including sending troops back into Iraq, or
anywhere else the terroroists can be found. We need to follow them to the “ends
of the Earth,” if necessary We have to “root them out” and KILL
them, wherever they're hiding. They like to “hit and run,” going
to their “safe harbors” in countries they think we will not
invade. We need to stop recognizing that, and go WHEREVER they can be
found, and KILL them. Then there will REALLY be no need for GITMO
because when we start “taking no prisoners,” there won't be any
to hold there. Obama and the world need to quit underestimating them
and set out to KILL them ALL, as quickly (and hopefully as painfully)
as possible.(Just common sense)
Skype for Terrorists?
you ever heard of a more ignorant thing for this president to do? If
the terrorists we have imprisoned in GITMO have access to ANY type of
communication with the outside world, they can send coded messages to
active terrorist murderers, and this president can't figure that out,
or just doesn't care that allowing GITMO prisoners SKYPE can mean
DEATH for many people. This president has done more STUPID things
than any other president down through history. Yet the wimpy
politicians in the Republican Party are AFRAID to do anything about
him. And as long as they ignore his CRIMES, he will get away with
them. The more he gets away with them, the more cocky he becomes.
(World Net Daily)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Brian Williams Lies
He says he was in a helicopter that was shot down and had to be
“rescued” by other troops. It really happened—but he wasn't on
it at the time. The helicopter he was on arrived an HOUR later, but
he, like Hillary, adopted the experience as his own. You'll remember
the day Hillary Clinton, then “First Lady,” told about having to
“run, under fire,” a story that was equally untrue. She even made
a crack about “sending in the First Lady when it was too dangerous
to send in the president.” Then there was Dan Rather's attempt to
discredit George Bush with a story that was based on phony
paperwork—that he KNEW was phony, but which he used, anyway because
it was a “good story.” These are just three instances of
politicians and “newsmen” LYING to make themselves look better.
Makes you wonder how many instances have gone unnoticed, huh?
(America's Watch Tower)
Obama Is A Communist! Really!
The Communist Party USA completely approves of him, and all his
works. He's doing more to make this into a communist (socialist) country than
they could ever do, and they LOVE it! The Communist Party says the
Democrats now support the communist agenda and now, instead of being
a third party in the next election, they plan to work as part of the
Democrat Party to get as many Democrats elected as possible, as a way
to advance their agenda. The Democrats have moved so far left that
they are now indistinguishable from the Communist Party. I've never
liked Obama. Not because of his color, which is as much white as it
is black, but because of his policies, which are pure communist.
While he may not be a “card-carrying communist,” he IS a
communist in every other way that counts, and that, for me,
eliminates him (and his friends) forever from consideration for
anything. (Eagle Rising)
Obama PARDONS 9/11 Terrorists.
PARDONS 9/11 TERRORISTS: Never mind they killed 32,0o00 people. Obama
is going to pardon the 18 participants in the 9/'11 atrocity to
“reinforce our solidarity with Saudi Arabia.” what a damned fool
action THAT is! Would FDR or Truman have “pardoned the Nazis and
Japanese who started the Second world War? If they had, they would
have been run out of town on a rail after being tarred and feathered.
But with the wimpy politicians in DC today. This action will probably
not make a ripple. Not even among Republicans, who will probably
dismiss it as a “symbolic gesture,” pardoning 18 dead men. But it
is more than that. There are many things a pardoned man, even if
dead, can benefit from, especially his family. And the act of
pardoning them makes them eligible for them. This is but one more
piece of evidence of Obama's love for the Islamic terrorists.
(National Report)
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Unemployment LIES
The Obama administration and all the other Democrats are celebrating
the new employment numbers that say it is “down” to 5.6%. But
that's a BIG LIE (which is nothing new to Obama). If all the millions of people who have GIVEN UP on
ever getting another job and have thus LEFT the employment market were counted,
the number would be 12%. When somebody stops looking for work for
whatever reason including “giving up,” the Department of Labor
stops counting them, which makes the unemployment figure look better
since then a smaller PERCENTAGE of people are then COUNTED as
unemployed. Furthermore, if an unemployed person spends ONE HOUR
working at ANYTHING (such as cutting grass for a neighbor), they are
counted as WORKING. Even if that $20 is all they made this week. This
is how the government allows itself to LIE about such things with a
straight face. They actually BELIEVE their lies. (American Thinker)
1,000 Criminals Loosed
are 1,000 CRIMINAL illegal aliens turned loose upon the American
scene who have EXPECTEDELY committed more crimes. When Obama
announced his “executive order” that amounts to amnesty, he said
we would be deporting CRIMINALS, not children and other honest
people. But that has NOT happened. He has released MANY CRIMINALS,
who have predictably committed NEW crimes. According to Homeland
Security, 36,007 illegal alien CRIMINALS have been released in fiscal
year 2013 and 1,000 of them have been convicted of new crimes,
including assault with a deadly weapon, lewd acts with a child,
aggravated assault, robbery, and even hit and run. This just proves
one thing: criminals will BE criminals, even if they're illegal
aliens. And allowing ANY criminal to stay is asking for trouble. But
Obama and his crowd don't realize that. That takes INTELLIGENCE.
(CNS News)
How to Enslave A Nation
If a megalomaniac wanted to destroy a nation, there are three basic
things he'd do: First, he'd disarm and weaken the military so it
could not defend us against outside forces; second, do the same to
the National Guard so it cannot defend the states from the federal
government, then weaponize and militarize bureaucrats. Another thing
not covered in the article linked here is to turn our local police
agencies into military units to “get around” laws preventing the
use of the military against citizens. There are other things you
could do to destroy a nation, and Obama is doing ALL of them. Can't
people who can do something about him SEE what he's doing? Is there
no way to stop him that they are willing to do? (Patriot Statesman)
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Terrorist By Any Other Name...
still a terrorist. And an ISLAMIC terrorist is still an ISLAMIC
terrorist, even if our stupid president refuses to call them what
they ARE. I don't know what he thinks he's getting away with by
mislabeling Islamic terrorist atrocities, but it isn't working. In
the old days when there were only three national news outlets he
could CONTROL, he could get away with such crap. But no more. His
refusal to call them what they are has become an an object of
derision and mirth as he continues to display his utter STUPIDITY by
it. Maybe he just wants to be able to say there have been no Islamic
terrorist attacks “on his watch.” Probably. He knows it will be a
LIE, but since when did that ever stop him? He's still trying to
perpetrate the FICTION that the atrocities committed by ISAMIC
terrorists are committed by people who only CLAIM to be Islamic,
which is one of his biggest LIES. Now he says, “I won't quibble
over it,” which means, “shut up about it.” (Last Resistance)
Obama's A Communist!
I know the very word “communist” or “communism” causes most people's eyes to “glaze over, and that's what they want. That was
the whole purpose of the phony “collapse” of communism in Russia
while the same people run things under mostly the same system,
SOCIALISM. Communism and socialism are merely two slightly different
forms of COLLECTIVISM, which is based on TAKING from the PRODUCERS of
new wealth and GIVING that taken to those who DON'T earn it. No,
Obama is not a “card-carrying communist.” But he IS a MARXIST believer who thinks he can make this country all better by TAKING from the rich and
GIVING to the “middle class,” today's description of “the poor.”
Does that sound the least bit familiar? He intends to make that
happen by his proposed $320 BILLION dollar tax increase on “the wealthy”
while enacting “tax credits” that amount to as much on “the
middle class.” If that is NOT communism, I'll kiss the butt of the
nation and give them time to draw a crowd. WAKE UP, America! If you
don't, soon you are going to be living under a “Soviet-style”
SOCIALIST (communist) government where you own NOTHING and the
government owns ALL. (Patriots and Politics)
"Islam-Free Zone"
gun range owner in Hot Springs, Arkansas has declared Muslims as
“persona non grata” (not allowed) at her range and her business
has quadrupled as a result. Of course, she has gotten a lot of flack
as a result, too, but I personally think she has made the right decision.
Unarmed Muslims are bad enough because they tend to insist that we,
as CHRISTIANS, obey their MUSLIM rules in all things. No, it's not
“discrimination.” Muslims the world over have given her a GOOD
REASON to ban them by murdering people and beheading them, even CHILDREN with
abandon for nothing more than not converting to THEIR religion. And
to allow Muslims to be there WITH GUNS is foolish. Better to ban
Muslims from a gun range altogether. Muslims with guns are dangerous
at any time. There's no way to separate the extremist fools from
those who are just trying to get along. At a gun range, that's a
problem. It's a good decision. Now maybe we won't get a news flash
about a Muslim shooting up her gun range. (Last Resistance)
Monday, February 2, 2015
Lies, Lies. and More Lies!
One thing Obama loves to do is LIE. One of his recent lies is this:
“There is no metric by which we are not better off than when I took
office.” Does he really think we are STUPID enough to believe this
bullcrap? He does, or he would not say something like this—something
so easily proved to BE a lie, with a straight face. But it's not so
easy for a president to lie these days, with cameras and other
recording devices everywhere. And I LOVED it when CBS” Mark
Knoller, of all people, asked his “chief official liar” (besides
Obama, himself) if he considered our rising national debt one of the “metrics”
that indicates we're “doing better?” After Josh Earnest tried to
obfuscate by saying they “see the deficit as a percentage of the
economy, Knoller “went right for the throat” with his follow-up
question: “Might you agree that the debt was NOT a metric that
shows we're doing better?” Then Knoller hit him right in the mouth
with, “Would you concede that the raw math shows that the debt has
increased?” His answer of “Yes” was a tacit ADMISSION that
Obama had lied. (Freedom Force)
Philosophy? Or Not?
We ALL have a “philosophy of life,” whether or not we
realize it. Most people's philosophy of life is self-imposed. It is a
set of “ground rules”: we use to govern our lives. Sometimes it
is only to ACCEPT (and live by) the ground rules set by others. Other
times, it is ground rules WE set for ourselves. Organized religion,
for instance, is what “rules” the lives of most of us who observe
it. Christianity has a few, but not too many ground rules. Catholicism
has more. Islam has MANY, even to the point of dictating how women
can urinate in public without anyone knowing they're doing it. When
to pray, how many times a day, and it even dictates the CONTENT of
their prayers. It commands them to “stay away” from “unbelievers”
and to ostracize them. The Koran even exhorts them to KILL those they
cannot “convert” to Islam, though some Muslims don't take that
too seriously. Others do.. But this is not a discourse on what is
good or bad about various religions. This is about PHILOSOPHY, or the
lack of it. But there IS no lack of it. Even if you swear you have NO
philosophy, that is a philosophy, in itself. Collectivism vs. the
free market is a philosophical decision.
philosophy says that if one man earns more than the other for ANY
reason, that is unfair, and the one who makes more should “share”
his “wealth” with those who have NOT earned as much. The free
market says just the opposite: that to gain riches, you must EARN
them. That “fairness” is not GIVING, unearned, the fruits of one
man's ideas and labor to another. One who does NOT have the
initiative to earn for himself, but wants to live at the EXPENSE of
another. Both visions ARE a philosophy. In short, you cannot live
your life without SOME kind of a philosophy to guide you; even of
that philosophy is the REJECTION of all other known philosophies. My
own philosophy is very close to Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy,
which is the polar opposite of collectivism (socialism, communism,
Fascism, Progressivism, and any others that say it's okay to steal
from the producer of new wealth, for the benefit of those who do not
earn it). It is what I call, “rational individualism,” in which I
do not allow others to dictate any part of my philosophy of life, but
make the rules for myself. (Just common sense)
School Strip-Searches Children
At this school, in Gustine, Texas, they
apparently have no regard for constitutionality. If they were to tell
me to “drop my drawers,” I'd tell them to “go to hell.” But
that's what they did to a bunch of elementary school children because
they “found some feces on the gym floor several times.” They
thought maybe this way they could figure out who left it there. Never
mind those children's right NOT to be subjected to such humiliation,
especially without notification of the parents. What the hell ever
made those “school officials” think they had the right to do such
a thing is beyond me. Methinks maybe they have a “dictator”
complex. In any case, “school officials” who would do such a
thing should not only be FIRED on the spot, they should also be
prosecuted for aggravated child abuse and jailed for a long time. Not
telling the parents BEFORE this action should be a separate charge,
(Eagle Rising)
Sunday, February 1, 2015
"It MIGHT Offend Someone"
seems to be the standard in many schools that makes them think they
have the right to violate the First Amendment to the Constitution of
the United States of America and CENSOR their student's speech
because it MIGHT be “controversial.” The Constitution makes no
exception for “controversiality.” It plainly OUTLAWS censorship
on ANY excuse. Yet many schools censor the speech of their students
on a regular basis, even though the courts have AFFIRMED it's
unconstitutionality. For my part, if a school tried to censor me, I'd
tell them to ”go to hell.” If that got me “bounced,” so be
it. They need me more than I need them. There are schools all over
the landscape, and they charge way too much money for the liberal indoctrination we usually get there.. (World Net Daily)
Islam: "Lying Is Okay"
Under Islam,
it's okay to LIE to advance Islam and convince others to convert.
Then if they change their minds, when they learn the truth, KILL
them. EVERYTHING they say to promote Islam is a LIE: THEY say, “Islam
is a religion of peace.” True. But their definition of “peace”
is a little different than yours. To them, “peace” is everybody
in the world a Muslim, or DEAD. They say, “We respect women. We all
know that's not true, otherwise why do they require them to wear
clothes that completely hide their bodies because they don't trust
them to resist the advances of ANY man. Why is it, if a man DOES have
sex with them even if it's rape, do they punish the WOMAN? Why do
they require a male family member to accompany them ANY time they go
out? Why is ANY man allowed to beat them on the street if they show
so much as an ANKLE?
are they not allowed to have ANY kind of association (even
non-sexual) with a non-Muslim? They SAY “Muslim is a TOLERANT
religion.” Why then, did two self-proclaimed Muslims murder 11 people
in Paris because a newspaper there had the temerity to print a
PICTURE of “the prophet?” Why are NO Christian religions allowed
in countries they control? Why are Muslims going around murdering
Christians, all over the world, just for being Christian? Why do
Muslims HATE Jews? Why do Muslims MURDER their own daughters for what
would be a MINOR offense in a Christian society? They really think we
don't notice things like that. Lying is so approved by Muslims they
even have a word for it: Taqiyya, which means “lying for Islam.”
Do they really think we are so STUPID as to buy their stinky brown
stuff? (Just common sense)
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