Thursday, August 4, 2016

They Said They Didn't

But they did. The American government says they have a policy AGAINST paying ransom for kidnap victims, and there was “no payoff” to get the Iranian kidnap victims released from Iran. But there was a mysterious$400 million cash “payout” to Iran soon after they were released. They insist it had nothing to do with the kidnap of those people, but the timing and cash nature of the payout, plus how it was done says otherwise. This is not the first time Iran has held some of our people for ransom, and will probably not be the last, as they got payouts all the times, whether or not the government admits it. I suppose we'll never know what really happened, because the government NEVER admits they lied, about anything. Even if we KNOW they did, and they know we know. Suffice it to say we're very happy those people are now free. I guess they HAD TO insist it was not a payout for ransom, to avoid other governments kidnapping our people for ransom in the future. And to keep Iran from doing it again. (The Blaze)

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