Monday, August 1, 2016

Don't Tell the Truth!

Not in today's world, anyway. Not if it conflicts with the wishes of the “establishment” politicians, anyway. A weatherman learned that when he talked about when the Democrat National Convention featured the mothers of thugs killed by cops, but ignored the mothers of cops killed by thugs, presenting a fully false narrative that the killing was all one-sided, with only cops killing “innocent” blacks, most of whom were actually thugs who were trying to kill the cop at the time he was killed. Dallas weatherman Bob Goosmann took to Facebook to express his anger at the DNC “parading the mothers of slain THUGS on stage, while IGNORING the mothers of slain COPS.” He was immediately FIRED for his trouble, since apparently the management at the station he worked for are relentless Democrats. The Democrats used that “old saw” that use of the word “thugs” had “racial overtones,” which is entirely FALSE. A thug can be black OR white. Or American Indian. Or South Sea Islander. Or any other group of people. But they love their false narrative. (The Blaze)

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