Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"It's Not Right"

Pope Francis says, “It's not right to identify Islam with violence.”REALLY, now! Why not? When their “Bible,” the Koran (however they spell it today) tells ALL Muslims to “stiff” non-believers, and KILL them? When they are told NEVER to associate with “Infidels?” When it does it's best to instill HATRED of “non-believers” in ALL Muslims? They SAY that Islam is a “peaceful religion,” while fathers and brothers do “mercy killings” of their own daughters or sisters if she is seen with the wrong man? While not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists these days seem to BE Muslims? When the rape statistics always go up sharply as more Muslims are allowed into a country? When Muslim men rape a woman just because she SMILED at them? When Muslim men chain little boys to beds to keep them around for repeated rapes? While Muslim countries throw gays off roofs for being gay, while treating their women as slaves to their men? But it's still “not right” to identify Islam with violence? Come ON, Pope. Get a CLUE! Wake up and “smell the flowers.” Don't make yourself look so stupid!  This isn't your first stupid statement. To read the story, click below. If the Glenn Beck book ad arrives, delete it and click again. They've got it set up to go there the first time you click. (The Blaze)

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