Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blame It On Trump

You probably heard about “Gander Mountain” going bankrupt. Gander Mountain relies heavily on gun sales and hunting for their business, and, according to the “wizards of smart” in this article, you can blame Trump for that. Why? Because Trump pledged to protect the Second Amendment, so people are no longer afraid of more and tighter “gun laws” by the feds. Thus, they're buying fewer guns and hunting less. Which puts Gander Mountain's failure squarely on Trump. That's how liberals think. ANYTHING that goes against their “scholarly rhetoric” is somebody's fault. They're right, about Trump's policy being responsible for reducing gun sales, but that's not something to be BLAMED on somebody. As to Gander Mountain's bankruptcy, has anybody ever heard about bad management? Gander Mountain is not the only company to go out of business lately, and it's because of OBAMA'S policies, not Trump's. Obama's bad management of the government is responsible for MANY bankruptcies, many of them in the insurance business, due to his disastrous Obamacare system. Other bankruptcies are part and parcel of his policies, and Gander Mountain is not unusual. Some of America's biggest businesses have gone out of business in the last eight years. Businesses we thought were “forever.” (The Street)

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