Monday, May 22, 2017

Insanity Is Prevailing

There are more and more people in this country who think making laws to stop honest people from getting guns for self defense is a good thing, while DISHONEST people easily get their guns illegally and are then able to victimize the honest people with their ILLEGAL guns. Politicians, from DC to LA seem to agree, and they ostracize politicians who think otherwise. Meanwhile, criminals “run wild,” killing honest people AND each other with their illegal guns. And those anti-gun politicians either do not notice, or they just can't understand that it's not the gun, it's the CRIMINAL that is the problem. We have to do something about the CRIMINALS, not the guns. If there were no guns, as there were not in Medieval times, there would still be crime. They would just be using something else as a weapon to intimidate their victims. Now Rotary International has instituted a “gun ban” for their organization. They can't get one enforced by the government, so they do the next best thing. And they really think that will do something to “stem gun violence. This is irrational thinking, but they obviously aren't aware of it. (NRA-ILA)

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