Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What FOOLS These Liberals Be!

They were called “Tories” when we were fighting for our independence from Great Britain. Today they’re called “liberals” and they’re subverting the fight against Islamic terrorism. "While Americans are lured into a complacent sleep by the constant drum beat of social justice, minority rights, inequality, the need for fairness and tolerance and diversity and to be non-judgmental of others or their views, forces are at work (liberals) to exploit that sentiment. While the world is filled with the news of Islamic terror other Islamists are at work to silence the critics by holding informational conferences and conducting public outreach." A good example of that is in Texas, where liberals are holding a meeting titled, “Stand with the Prophet in Honor and Respect” that proclaims the need to be “Ready to defeat Islamophobia.” That would be like holding a conference during World War II titled, “Understanding and Befriending Nazis.” They’re trying to get us to look at Islam as “our friend and benefactor.” It is a direct result of the Muslims trying to “gloss over” the actions of other Muslims to MURDER all non-Muslims (and even some Muslims who believe in a slightly different version of Islam. These people are our ENEMIES! Instead of “understanding them” we need to be KILLING them, before they kill US! The sorry thing is that many people who do not pay attention to politics will be “taken in” by this tomfoolery. And they VOTE! (Eagle Rising)

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