Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Closing GITMO

Why? Why is Obama so bent on closing down the ONLY prison we have to keep murderers and rapists off the battlefield? Liberals say GITMO is a “blight on America.” Why? It is a KNOWN FACT that those released from GITMO return to the fight, and by releasing prisoners, we “swell the ranks” of terrorists and get more Americans (and others) killed. Obama and his henchmen insist that “only a small number” of released terrorists return to the fight. But the number is more like 100%. But he doesn't want you to know that. If we close GITMO, where do we keep the killers, beheaders, rapists, and baby killwea we capture on the field of battle? I don’t think he wants us to just “take no prisoners” and KILL them where we catch them. He’s too much of a wimp to entertain something like that (Personally, I think that’s what we SHOULD do). Frankly, I think Obama is in collusion with the terrorists. Releasing prisoners we have lost lives to catch is his way of helping them while maintaining “plausible deniability.” An overall look at ALL his actions toward the Islamic terrorists will tell you what I’m saying is true, whether or not those “in charge” want to believe it. Face it: we have a CRIMINAL in charge of our country. An obvious Muslim who wants to help them establish a Muslim Caliphate in America, with HIM as the Caliph. (Just common sense)

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