Friday, January 2, 2015

Abysmal Stupidity

It didn’t begin in Ferguson, MO. It just got worse there because so many race whores went there to take advantage of a “good shooting” of a huge thug who was trying to kill a cop, by making a “big thing” of the fact he was UNARMED when killed, and many of them LYING to say he was “trying to give up” when he was NOT. It is instructive to note that MOST of the rioters there did NOT live in Ferguson, but rushed there from all over to add to the trouble. They were taking advantage of the early inability of the cops to SHOW that this HUGE thug could have KILLED that cop, even if he was not armed, if he was not, himself, killed. Then a couple of cops in New York tried to arrest another lawbreaker, who resisted, and he died from asthma. Lesson: DO NOT resist arrest. It will NEVER end well for you.

They did not know he suffered from asthma and, when he started saying he couldn’t breathe, discounted it, as ALL such thugs claim they can’t breathe while being subdued. Then a lot of STUPID PEOPLE started demonstrating (rioting) all over, demanding that cops be KILLED. Absurd, and STUPID; who are the people you call when trouble finds you? The COPS, of course; the only people who have to fear the cops are people who commit crimes. Cops are NOT “engaged in killing blacks because of racism.” That’s the EXCUSE seized upon by those stupid rioters, who should ALL be arrested and imprisoned for a long stretch. Not “treated with kid gloves” as they are, today.

Why is wanting to kill cops STUPID? First of all, that makes people who want it CRIMINALS. Second, they are the ones people CALL when they are, themselves, threatened by the same kind of criminals who are CALLING for their MURDER. Many of the people agreeing with this showed their stupidity by voting for Obama, who is one of the “race whores” stirring up all the race hatred so he can use the resulting “race war” for his own purposes. I could write on and on about this, but the very people it is designed to reach won’t understand it. They’re too STUPID. (Just common sense)

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