Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Shannon Watts Screws Up

She unconsciously told us the Second Amendment was constitutional. Something everybody with INTELLIGENCE knows, but she tries to make us think she doesn’t. But the Second Amendment IS constitutional, but she doesn’t want to admit it, as she goes about in her attempts to subvert it. The fact that the measures she pushes never work seems to be lost on her. She wants to push her unconstitutional measures, anyway. Now she seems to have ADMITTED that gun control IS unconstitutional. Why the Court should take into consideration the affect on ANYTHING but the constitutionality of the measures is WRONG. The only thing that the Court is BOUND to consider is the CONSTITUTIONALITY of a measure. Not foreign law, and not his or her PERSONAL prejudices should be considered. This is clearly laid out IN the Constitution, whether many people realize it, or not. The Constitution clearly GUARANTEES each and every American who has not committed a felony the right to own and use a gun for self defense. That is a GIVEN. It can only be changed by changing the Constitution, itself, by means of the method set out IN the Constitution. Shannon and her cronies want to “get around” that. But she slipped up in her “Tweet.” (Bearing Arms)

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