Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Gun Control's Basic Flaw

It assumes that evil doers will OBEY the many laws they make. Also, they assume that eliminating LEGAL guns will also eliminate all the ILLEGAL guns (millions) already out there. Only the law-abiding obey their laws, and that makes them "easy targets" for those who IGNORE their laws. Potential (and past) mass shooters SEEK OUT " gun-free zones" in which to do their dirty work because they know the law-abiding people there will usually NOT be armed, and able to oppose them. They get their guns ILLEGALLY, and don't bother to sign up for a background check. I, and many other intelligent people have told them this countless times, but they don't listen. I guess they're just too STUPID to understand logic and reason. Or they have an ulterior motive such as just wanting the POWER to tell others they CAN'T. To be able to CONTROL the actions of others. What they don't understand is that we need to examine the REASONS why people do things like mass murder, and PAY ATTENTION when a potential mass murderer warns us as the one in Annapolis, MD, did, many times, before he walked into a newspaper office and started killing people. Gun control is USELESS in preventing such crimes, and they need to learn it. But they're "tone deaf" to reason. (Daily Signal)

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