Tuesday, August 14, 2018

It's Getting Too Violent

Liberals cannot answer the questions we have about their policies, nor can they stop Trump from reversing them, as oppressive as they are. So now they’re resorting to violence. An example recently is Fox News reporter Shannon Breem being forced to move a planned broadcast away from the steps of the Supreme Court, back to the safety of the studio because of the fear of violence from the crowd. Another example is the recent prayer group that was attacked by liberals calling themselves “Antifa,” indicating they are “fighting Fascism, while using the same Fascist violence used by the Fascists during the “Nazi Plague. They attacked this peaceful prayer group, who, for them unfortunately, had some very well trained former military men among them, who “whupped their butts.” But there won’t always be well trained ex-military among the people liberal groups violently attack for their beliefs, since they have no answers to their arguments. When doing so, they ADMIT the VACANCY of their position, whether they realize that, or not. My guess is NOT. Other examples include their harassment of Trump associates in their daily pursuits. Doing so should elicit “disturbing the peace” charges for those who do it, but I suspect they will not. (Western Journal)

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