Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It Began With Abortion

If you wonder why so many fools want to go around shooting a bunch of people, you have to figure out WHY they think it's right for them to do so. It's NOT the "easy access to guns" as the anti-gun fools claim as they try to stop us from being able to defend ourselves from those who don't OBEY laws, and get their guns any way they can, so they can victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey laws, even if we think they're stupid laws. One thing people don't notice is that, before "Roe V. Wade," the fateful Supreme Court decision that allowed the MURDER of millions of innocent, defenseless children, there were not many "mass shootings" or other mass killings outside of wars. With that decision, we cheapened human life, and people who think they can just KILL those with whom they have an issue then go out and DO IT. It is our stance for ABORTION that makes some fools think they can take human lives, at will, because the government APPROVES of killing defenseless infants before they even have a chance at life. I never thought I'd see the day when the GOVERNMENT would APPROVE of mass murder, but today, they do. We can only pray that after another non-liberal Supreme Court nominee is confirmed, that we can DISPENSE with "Roe v. Wade," as the STUPID idea it has always been. The Constitution, no matter how you twist its words, does NOT approve the MURDER of innocent children, under any circumstances. Those who think it does, are themselves ignorant. (Just common sense)

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