Friday, April 5, 2019

Why Vote Democrat?

I can’t figure out why anybody with any intelligence at all would vote Dumocrat. Dumocrats stand for higher taxes, open borders, killing innocent babies, gun control, revenge politics, identity politics, election fraud, and socialism, which only those who want to live without working, at the expense of others would want. Socialism is a system BASED on the THEFT of the fruits of the production of new wealth, to be GIVEN to those who simply “want to ride in the wagon while others work to push it.” You know: the LAZY people of society. It’s a system that only benefits the lazy, while punishing achievement. It produces NOTHING, and sucks the good out of everything, and destroys initiative. Dumocrats are for everything that is bad for America. You name it, if it causes strife in society, Dumocrats are for it, and insult anybody who is against it, and says so. They love damned fool ideas like allowing MEN into women’s restrooms and changing rooms if they think they’re a woman that day, and trying to convince the world that there are more than two sexes, which is biologically impossible. If a person has a penis, it’s a MAN; if a vagina, it’s a WOMAN. Anything else is a Dumocrat construct, to support their “flights of fancy.” (Just common sense)

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