Friday, April 12, 2019

Racism As Phony Defense

A Muslim woman who scammed her way into the Congress made an exceedingly stupid remark about one of the worse atrocities in America’s recent history that was PERPETRATED by a bunch of Muslims and rightly got criticized for it. So then yet another Muslim member of Congress spoke up and used the usual phony claim of racism to explain that rightful criticism, but forgot one thing: Muslim is NOT a race. It is a political entity masquerading as a race or a religion, whichever serves their purpose better, falsely using race or religion to attempt to blunt ANY criticism of what they say, or what they do, or have done. It is the liberal (Dumocrat) way to shout “racism” when they cannot answer the rightful questions of their critics so they won’t have to answer on the facts.

And those Muslim members of Congress have adopted that scam. But nobody with any degree of intelligence believes that crap. These two women (who happen to be Muslims) continue to show how unlike Americans they think, and they rightly get criticized. We can only hope their constituents in their home states “wise up” and send them “out to pasture” where they belong, so they can no longer disrupt Congress with their silly cracks and actions. One of them said, “We speak truth to power,” which is something neither of them have done. They say we “took her words out of context,” which we absolutely did NOT. She said what she said, and was rightly criticized for it. (Conservative Buzz)

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