Thursday, April 25, 2019

Democrats' Losing PLatform

It's as if they don't WANT to get elected. Nancy Peelosi, Minority Leader in the House, wants to raise taxes. She not only admits it, she shouts it from the rooftops. She's PROUD of it. She, and the rest of the Dumocrats think ALL money belongs to the government, and to let us keep more of it somehow HURTS the government. It does. It reduces their ability to buy votes with OUR money. Before she does that, she wants to reverse Trump's tax cuts, and everything else he has done to make this country better. Dumocrats have always been the party that does everything that is AGAINST everything we have ever wanted, or needed. They want to unreasonably tax us at a usury rate to pay for the giveaway programs they use to gain the votes of the lazy and the ignorant. All we have to do to remind you of their perfidy is to tell you, again, of the PALLETS of $BILLIONS of our dollars Obama sent to Iran to ransom a few of our people--in secret, on unmarked airplanes. Where did he get that money? Even a president can't just SPEND that much money without approval from Congress. That, he did not get, and the money he sent was OURS, not his. (Town Hall)

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