Thursday, April 18, 2019

Doubling Down on the Lie

They couldn't prove it in the usual way, so now they're SUING. The Dumocrats have blamed an imaginary "collusion" between the Russians and Trump for him getting elected when they thought they had the deck truly stacked for Hillary to be elected president, so she could help them continue to fleece the nation. There is no proof to be had that Trump colluded with the Russians, although there IS proof that HILLARY and the Dumocrats DID collude with the Russians. Their thesis flies in the face of reality, because it is HILLARY the Russians would have preferred in the presidency because she is, and always has been, a dedicated SOCIALIST, and Donald Trump is NOT (socialism and communism are close cousins). Trump is the OPPOSITE of what the Russians would have wanted in the White House. He is a businessman, and therefore a "capitalist." They must know there is no way they will ever be able to prove anything on Trump (again) in their suit, but that isn't why they filed it. It is a fund raising ploy, and they're using it for that. They are begging for even more money from their liberal dupes, to pursue this fruitless suit. Additionally, it keeps their LIE in the news, which they are desperate to do. (CNN)

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