Thursday, April 4, 2019

They Look Pretty Silly

Remember all those Dumocrats who said they had “sure proof Trump was colluding with the Russians?” Proof that did not exist. Are they “eating crow” now? Not a chance. They say that Mueller’s investigation was “limited,” and they intend to keep digging. This in spite of the fact that Mueller was NOT “limited,” in any way. He was free to take his “investigation” in any direction. Others say there is an “obvious cover-up.” Obvious to whom? It’s only obvious to those who just want it to be true. Not to intelligent people. Now they’re saying that, “Despite the fact that they found no evidence, Putin got what he wanted.” And what is that, pray tell? Russia has been proven to have “colluded” with the Dumocrats. It’s called “The Steele Dossier.” You know, that made-up document created by a former spy, paid for by the Hillary campaign, which has been proven to be a lie, but was used by Comey’s FBI to get warrants for illegal searches that found nothing that had anything to do with Trump. Will anything be done about that? Not a chance. Mueller spent $35 million dollars trying to find something, ANYTHING he could use against Trump. If there had been any “evidence,” he would have found it. But there was NO EVIDENCE, and he was forced to finally give up and present his “report” with the information that he DID NOT find anything. Did that satisfy the Dumocrats? Not a chance! They BELIEVE the “Russian Connection,” and they’re “stickin’ to it.” The “investigation” will continue, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. It’s a “religion.” (Just common sense)

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