Tuesday, April 23, 2019

"Kill 'Em, Take Guns"

That's what one Dumocrat candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe County, North Carolina thinks he has the right to do, in spite of the constitutional guarantee of the right of all Americans to be armed for self defense. Frankly, I think he might have bought a bullet for himself when he knocks on the door of a gun owner's house and tries to do that. The gun owner would be fully within his rights to just SHOOT this fool to keep him, or his men from killing HIM. It is fools like this who prove that there will always be dumbasses running for office, who think their wishes and desires give them the right to KILL others, to realize them. And they will usually be Dumocrats, because that's where the dumbasses congregate. I don't know what makes them think they can KILL people to enforce unconstitutional laws, but the Dumocrats think their wishes are more important than those of the Founding Fathers, who wrote that GUARANTEE into the Constitution, the BASIS for every one of our laws. That damned fool notion seems to be built into the Dumocrat way of thinking. Such thoughts should guarantee him DEFEAT at the polls. (Gateway Pundit)

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