Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Democrat Snipe Hunt

Well, Dumocrat (of course) Congressman Al Green is taking things to a new level. He is blaming the Dumocrat blackface and sexual impropriety accusations in Virginia on President Trump. In his twisted mind, he thinks President Trump convinced those Dumocrats that you could just ignore those accusations, refuse to resign, and continue in office. Boy! Talk about twisting the facts! Those accusations against those Dumocrats are no more PROVED than are the ones against President Trump. And the ones against President Trump are a “snipe hunt.” They have been called a “witch hunt” because they are no more based on reality than were the Salem Witch Hunts, where they drowned women. If they survived, they were declared witches BECAUSE they survived, and burned at the stake. Strangely they didn’t use their witch powers to save their own lives. There hasn’t been found a SINGLE bit of ANY kind of proof found against president Trump in TWO YEARS of turning over every rock they could think of, and there won’t be, because there isn’t any. I don’t know if those Dumocrats in Virginia are guilty of anything, but their accusations have similarly lacked any kind of proof, so far (at this writing). Until some proof is found (if there is any), there is no cause for any of them to resign because of the pressure applied on them by people who don’t know any better, no matter how many fools THINK they are guilty. (Legal Insurrection)

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