Monday, April 8, 2019

I Just Don't Understand

And I understand most things. But I don't understand where the anti-gun fools are coming from. They have to know that NONE of their highly-touted anti-gun laws don't work worth a damn in keeping guns out of the hands of people who should not have them, but they keep making more and more of them, anyway. Or at least, they TRY. Fortunately, the NRA "keeps them honest" in most cases, effectively opposing most of them. In any case, every time there is a mass killing (in a school, or elsewhere), they "jump on their high horse" and insist on making more of their USELESS laws, whether or not a gun was used. In the meantime, they absolutely REFUSE to even CONSIDER something that WILL do something about the people who misuse guns, and that is allowing most Americans to be armed for self defense, especially teachers. In Israel, they DO arm their teachers, and have had only TWO school shootings in many years, and those two resulted in a dead shooter. I keep asking: "What makes you think DISARMING yourself is the way to self defense, and they have no answer, so they immediately start insulting me, calling me a "gun lover," and "child killer," or something else equally disgusting. They call their flights of fancy, "common sense solutions," but nothing could be further from "common sense." (Just common sense)

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