Monday, April 29, 2019

IS He A Christian?

The liberal media wants us to believe the Austin Bomber was a "home-schooled Christian" who hated gays and gay marriage, and didn't like abortion, It was supposed to be evidence of his "extremist views." All this is based on some of his earlier writings in school. What they don't tell you is that he renounced his Christianity many years ago, and declared his REAL "extremist views," and that he was an atheist. Then he began to do things that separated him from everybody, even locking his door to his room against his room mates without explanation as to why. This reinforced his increasing isolation from society, and even his family, who ARE devout Christians. The fact that two of his victims were black leads liberal "investigators" to say that racism might have been part of his motive. Which means, of course, they think he was a "right-winger." Also found was evidence he had been communicating with gays on the Internet, which indicates that he was "struggling with his sexual identity," which was not mentioned often. There was no evidence he was a white supremacist or a racist of any sort. But facts have never stood in the way of liberal "Tale-spinners" before, have they? (Clash Daily)

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