Wednesday, April 24, 2019

WAS It An Accident?

“Authorities” were quick to say that massive fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral was an accident. They first said it “could be” a slip by construction workers. Then is was “maybe” a short circuit. Then it was a “probably" a computer glitch. Not even on the list was terrorism, even while Muslim extremists giggled and joked about it, and cheered “whoever did it.” Muslims say is is “punishment” for the Catholics’ “past crimes against Islam.” All of which is a big pile of brown stinky stuff when you look at the instances of “church burnings” all over the world. There have been 800 or more known church burnings, world wide, 400 in Sri Lanka, alone. In America the hundreds of church burnings are blamed on racism, since many are on “historically black” churches. But are they? Or is it all part of the world-wide war on Christianity? Most of which has been created and promoted by Muslims. But Muslims are not the only people who promote the attacks upon religion, principally Christianity. But there have been attacks against Mosques, too. At least one, anyway, which was a “big thing” in the liberal media, while they work HARD to suppress ANY criticism of Islam. But so far, we have no proof of anything, and nobody seems to be looking for any. (CBS News)

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