Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Anti-Gun Rally Draws 20

It's not likely that the Brady Campaign thought they'd only get 20 "demonstrators" to come to Sparta, New Jersey the other day, to demand stricter gun laws, but that seems to be all the attendees they could raise. Most Americans just aren't interested in their wish to violate a basic constitutional guarantee, and they said so, by staying away from their foolishness. They tell legislators they want them to enact"common sense" laws, when there ARE no "common sense" laws in what they wish to enact. None of them work, and the REAL solutions, such as arming teachers, will not even be considered by these fools. Since the death of their namesake, the Brady Campaign has been languishing, and has not been even as effective as they used to be in getting ignorant laws passed, by ignorant lawmakers. They only drew 20 to this "demonstration," but they TALK like they had drawn a thousand. The anti-gun crowd is languishing, everywhere, as they discover the almost complete LACK of interest in their ignorant protestations. Other anti-gun "rallies" have suffered similar lack of interest in their "demonstrations," one only pulled ONE person beyond the organizers, and the ARMED police who were there, both expecting a much larger turnout. It's a trend, folks, whether you know it, or not. (NJ Herald)

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