Friday, April 19, 2019

"Voluntary" Gun Ban

In Washington (state) they made a law, and the governor signed it, to allow people (if they're that dumb) to voluntarily sign over their gun rights and place their names on the "no-buy list." A typical anti-gun politician "solution" that will change nothing, of course. The Crips and the Bloods are lining up to give up their guns. Yeah, right! And so are other street gangs. So there will be no guns on the streets in the hands of gang members. Right. That will solve the problem. Yup. Now a little reality. A few gullible law-abiding people will do that, even though they are NOT the problem. And that will leave them completely defenseless against the ILLEGAL guns in the hands of those who want to use them for criminal acts. As usual. this law does NOTHING about the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL guns, already out there, in the hands of the "bad guys." But the anti-gun fools don't care about that. They can now say they "did something," even if it is useless (they don't say that last part). It really angers me that there are politicians STUPID enough to pass such a law. But there are, and we (not me) keep sending them to legislatures, everywhere. We need to stop that, unless we eventually want to have the Second Amendment reversed by even more STUPID politicians (most of whom either carry their own guns because they're "special," or have 24 hour armed security while denying us the same right). (Guns)

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