Monday, April 15, 2019

It's A Perfect Fit!

Those politicians declaring their cities, counties, even states to be “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens (I refuse to use their silly “undocumented immigrants description), who will be welcomed, provided for, and “protected from those nasty feds.” President President Trump offered to send them as many illegal aliens as they wanted, and it turns out they don’t want them! They’re howling as loudly as ever, proving, yet again, that even if what Trump suggests is something they profess to want, as soon as Trump offers it, they don’t want it, any more. They’re screaming that they “don’t have the resources!” Never mind that they didn’t have the resources before. They just didn’t expect the kind of influx they’re wishing on the other states. It’s typical of liberals to scream like stuck pigs when they actually GET what they pretend they want, and they’re forced to realize the consequences of their supposed wishes. And they don’t want them. (Rush Limbaugh)

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