Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Get Rich Selling Socialism

That’s what “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is doing, and A. F. Branco brought that home to me with his cartoon about Bernie writing a new book, “How to Get Rich Selling Socialism to Idiots.” And that’s what Bernie is doing: selling socialism to gullible Americans and getting rich by doing so. Liberals are mad at him for BEING rich. They want to penalize achievement, and Bernie “achieved” great wealth by selling socialism to the moochers out there who want to live at the expense of others. “Riding IN the wagon, as it were, while others pushed it.” Nothing is said about who PAYS for those who live at the expense of others. If asked, he talks about “slightly higher taxes on those willing to earn their way.” Which minimizes the fact that socialism DEPENDS ON such people for the money they steal and use to pay for what the moochers use. The more slackers there are, the less money socialists have to provide goods and services to other slackers (moochers). And the longer socialism “rules,” the fewer earners (producers) there will be as those producers begin to realize how their work and industry has been USED by those who wish to live without producing anything, themselves, and join them as moochers, aided and abetted by the “looters” in government who sell socialism to the gullible. Then the whole “house of cards” crumbles, as it did in Russia, and is doing NOW in Venezuela, where they are RIOTING to get a supply of toilet paper. (A. F. Branco)

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