Monday, April 22, 2019

Fishing Expedition Continues

They threw their lure, and the fishing expedition called “The Muller Investigation” continued for almost two years, and came up with nothing. Frustrating to go fishing for that long and not catch a single fish. You’d think they’d pack up their fishing tackle and go home, wouldn’t you? Not this bunch. They’re determined to “catch a fish,” if they have to set off a bomb in the lake. The Mueller Report is out, and Dumocrats disdained it, before they even got a chance to read it. Mueller, who was their “glory boy” when he was appointed, a man of such honor that to have the temerity criticize him should be a crime, bearing a stay in prison, is now called a “colluder.” Not with the Russians, but with President Trump.

They now want to subpoena the UNREDACTED report, as illegal as that may be. They want to subpoena Mueller, because they don’t trust him, any more. He didn’t falsify any “evidence” that would allow them to “cut Trump off at the knees,” so now he’s “the enemy,” and subject to all kinds of insults and even “legal” action. “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff has pledged to continue HIS “investigation, saying, again, that he HAS “incontrovertible evidence” of Trump’s wrongdoing, as he has said, all along, while never showing “his hand,” because he has nothing. He’s bluffing. He must be a good poker player.

If he DID have evidence, he would have shown it before now. He’s lying, and has been lying, all along. If Trump were not a public figure, Schiff would have been sued for slander long ago. Now they want a look at his personal finances, through his tax returns, something he should block. There is NO “probable cause” to look at his tax records, even while the IRS has been doing so, for some time. Hopefully, the intensity of this “fool’s errand” will lessen somewhat after he wins re-election. If Dumocrats were intelligent, it would. But knowing Dumocrats, it will not. (Legal Insurrection)

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