Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Infiltrating" the Democrats?

There's a story in the liberal media all over the place about how the Koch Brothers "infiltrated" the Republican Party, and the Trump administration. That's HILARIOUS! Especially when you think of where most of the money the Dumocrats use to vilify Republicans generally, and Donald Trump, specifically, comes from. Is George Soros, and Tom Steyer "infiltrating" the Dumocrat Party? It's an old story for the Dumocrats to criticize the Republicans for the very things they are doing, themselves, while putting the most evil "spin" on it. The Koch Brothers, AND George Soros and Tom Steyer are not "infiltrating" anything. They are merely major donors to their political party and candidates of their choice. Yes, they all give them a lot of money, which is nothing new. It is only a bad thing if you want to use it as a political ploy to criticize your opposition. Big donors have been supporting their choice of party and politicians since the ink dried on the Constitution--maybe before. It's nothing new, and if there's something bad about it, maybe you could make a law against it. But if you did, you'd be cutting off your own major source of money, and your own nose to spite your face. (Just common sense)

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