Thursday, April 11, 2019

They Never Let Up

The Dumocrats are determined to undermine President Trump in any way they can, legal or illegal. They spent two years and $30 million taxpayer dollars to “prove” something that never happened, but which they won’t let go of: that Trump did something underhanded to win the election. He did. He told the truth, and promised to “drain the swamp” in DC, and they can’t have that, because that’s where they live. After the “two year debacle” failed, they immediately launched into yet another imaginary scheme, claiming something else they imagine he must have done, because you can’t win against Dumocrats without cheating more than they do. This will continue as long as President Trump is in office, which Dumocrats hope against hope will be only the next two years, while they keep spending millions of dollars of your money to topple him. Meanwhile their thugs accost and assault anybody who shows any support for Trump, from wearing “MAGA” hate to having anything at all to do with him, including working for him in helping to govern against all odds. They don’t realize they are working hard to get him re-elected. The more they try to get rid of him, the more we determine to keep him around as long as possible. (Legal Insurrection)

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