Friday, April 12, 2019

Desperation Move

The Dumocrats are now SUING President Trump, the Republican Party, Russia, and everyone else they can think of, alleging "collusion" to get Trump elected, something they've been trying to prove for a year and a half. and have come up with NOTHING. They really think they can make such a suit work in the ABSENCE of proof of ANY collusion. Of course, they have lots of YOUR dollars in their coffers to spend on this desperation move, which is going to go NOWHERE. They have to know it will go nowhere, but they hope if they can get in front of the right judge (a liberal). they can milk it for all it's worth. They're desperate to find ANYTHING they can use to "get rid of Trump" so they can continue to fleece America. But it's not going to work. Even if they get an ultra liberal judge, that judge can only go so far, or he will be reversed by a higher court, which might not be so liberal. (Just common sense)

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