Thursday, April 25, 2019

"Ol' Joe" Enters Race

For several days now, the “anticipation” of Joe Biden “throwing his hat in the ring” and running (again) for president, has been growing in the media-- the whole media, not just the liberal media, but for different reasons. The liberal media is in breathless anticipation because they think he can “whip Trump,” better than the rest of the numerous Dumocrat candidates—but they’re wrong. The voters rejected him twice, but like Hillary, he thinks a “third time is going to be a charm” that will propel him into the white House. It ain’t agonna happen, Joe. They told you no twice, and they’re gonna tell you no a third time, as President Trump dances back into the White House for his second term. The “conservative media” anticipated, so they could do their job and show the world what a bad choice he would be. President Trump is gloating in the Oval Office because he knows “Ol’ Joe” is going to be easy, while preparing for his second term. The drawback is that after his second term, what? Will a liberal Dumocrat then be elected, or will it be “President Michael Pence?” I certainly hope so. Pence is not a socialist, as so many Dumocrats seem to be. All they want to do is give things WE own away to buy votes, and they think promoting that worthless scam socialism is the best way to do it. They’re wrong, but they’ll never know it. They just aren’t smart enough. Joe has nothing new to offer. Just the usual “giveaway programs.” His announcement video promised nothing except to “get rid of Trump,” something the Dumocrats have been trying to do since he was elected, in 2016. (Legal Insurrection)

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