Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Traveling Politicians

The day is coming where politicians travel the country running for office if they can't seem to get elected in their own places (or it is already here). Dumocrats do it all the time. Hillary Clinton, for instance, lived in Arkansas for much of her early life, but she ran for, and won (with a convenient Dumocrat "fix"), a seat as a senator from New York. Obama did it, too, before they set him up to become president. Republicans also do it. Mitt Romney is a consummate "New England politician" who was defeated in his run for president. So now he's running to be a senator from UTAH! If he had lost there, he would someday pop up on the ballot from IDAHO, or Washington State. Anywhere they can dupe people into voting for this loser. In between election attempts, he will work for Dumocrat-funded foundations, or in liberal academia, where liberals run it all (He's a liberal, pretending to be a conservative, or something). Countless others travel the "election circuit," and nobody understands what they're doing, because the liberal media just does not report it. It's how liberals maintain their overall control, no matter who is elected to office. (Just common sense)

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