Monday, April 8, 2019

Muslims Are Anti-Jew

Get used to it. They are, and have always been, AS A GROUP, anti-Jew. I don’t normally like to talk about “groups” in such cases, but Muslims have been taught, by their governments, and their religion, to hate Jews. And hate them, they do, which is no surprise to anybody with intelligence. Newly minted Rep. Ilhan Omar is a Muslim. She is anti-Jew. A repetition, there. Did Minnestoans know that when they stupidly elected her? Probably not. She probably went out of her way to PRETEND she was NOT anti-Jew to get elected. Politicians do that: lie to get elected, and then show their true colors AFTER they get the job. Then, when the next election comes up, lie again, depending on the short memory of the electorate. You elect a Muslim to office, and you get one who is anti-Jew. That’s a given. Get used to it. That’s why I say you should never elect a Muslim to office in the United States. That’s not bigotry, that’s common sense. They don’t think like we do, and they will try and impose their ideas on us. that’s why. (Flag and Cross)

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