Thursday, April 4, 2019

Gun Confiscation Begins

They're using the panic over the fools who go into schools and kill children to panic lawmakers into doing the unthinkable--confiscating our guns, for no other reason than they are guns--an inanimate object that does NOTHING until a PERSON picks it up and guns someone down. Should we ban PEOPLE? Now, in the late, formerly great State of Illinois, they're taking guns away from less than 21 year-old owners, without any kind of legal basis. No crime committed. What is it about a 19-year-old that bans him from owning and using a gun, even though many join the military and are REQUIRED to be armed (unless they're on a military base)? Do they think that, somehow, being in the military gives them the adulthood to be able to control impulses to shoot up the landscape, while being just a citizen does not? Even so, what gives them the right to deny the ownership and use of guns to ANYBODY, since it is GUARANTEED by the Constitution? This is the "camel's nose in the tent" that will lead to GENERAL confiscation of guns--unless those with INTELLIGENCE put a stop to it. (Great American Republic)

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