Monday, April 22, 2019

Useless Questioning

I just listened (as this is written) to the "dog and pony show" consisting of incessant questioning of the nominee for Director of the CIA, in which she was asked repeatedly if she personally thought "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) was "moral." Included in that description of torture was waterboarding, something that, while uncomfortable for the subject, was NOT real torture. But then I realized that the subjects of these "enhanced interrogation" sessions were bloody murderers who tortured and murdered Americans and others at will. In one case, even BEHEADING a journalist on video, which was released to the world. It struck me that the people who would do such things are not able to claim "morality" in their own treatment. They have LOST the right for ANYTHING that is done to them to be labeled "immoral." Whatever is done to these spawns of the devil CANNOT be immoral and are much less than they, themselves have visited upon many innocent people. These people are the "scum of the Earth" and morally should be subjected to the very things to which they subjected their victims on a regular basis. (The Guardian)

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