Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Why Vote Democrat--Ever?

Nancy Peelosi, the Dumocrat House MINORITY leader is "champing at the bit." She HATES Trump's massive tax cuts, and says what taxpayers will gt will be "crumbs," and the cuts will "cripple" the government. This, in spite of absolute PROOF that tax decreases ALWAYS mean an INCREASE in the "tax take." She wants to rescind them if the Dumocrats take over the Congress in November. She promises tax INCREASES, and the IMPEACHMENT of President Trump. This, notwithstanding the fact that she has NO GROUNDS for impeachment of this president, She figures she can "trump up" something, when she becomes majority leader again. She says she will impose a single-payer health insurance program, and reverse the tax cuts, before she INCREASES taxes. She keeps saying Trump's tax cuts are just a "giveaway to the rich," the usual drivel spouted by Dumocrats, and, as usual, she doesn't detail HOW that is so, because it isn't. She is determined to protect Obamacare, something she considers one of the Dumocrats' primary "achievements." Something that has created havoc in the medical profession, raised prices tremendously, while also raising co-pays to the point NOBODY can afford them, is considered an "achievement." This woman is not only senile, she's insane! (USA Today)

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