Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Organized Invasion

The very number of “immigrants” claiming “asylum” in the United States indicated real organization. They come by train. They come by busload. Who organizes and pays for those buses and trains? Who allows them to pass through Mexico and even other countries on their way to the U. S.? Why must they be sent past several countries on their way here? They could get asylum in Mexico if they’re really facing danger in their own countries. In one recent case, a bus pulled up to an area where there is no “fence” or other way to stop illegal aliens and hundreds of people got out and just walked over the border. And most of those were children. They bring those children along to guarantee acceptance, and in such numbers it is impossible to “process” them all expeditiously. Many of those children are not even related to those who CLAIM to be their parents. Which, I’m sure, is according to the organizers’ plan. It’s so obviously a “hatched-up plan” that I can’t see why there is no way to stop it. They’ve detected a flaw in our system and are taking full advantage of it. (Student News Daily)

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