Friday, April 19, 2019

Clowns On Parade

Dumocrats again have proven themselves to be the clowns of politics. The Muller Report is out, and did not uphold their forlorn hope that it would give them something for which to impeach President Trump, and “get rid of him.” They want desperately to reverse the result of the 2016 election and put one of their pre-selected people into power so they could continue the “fleecing of America” that they have been working on for years. Their line is, “So Mueller couldn’t find evidence of wrongdoing, but that doesn’t make Trump innocent. They just couldn’t find it.” In other words, Trump MUST be guilty, of SOMETHING, they just couldn’t find the evidence. To me, it seems that, if 13 “Trump-hating Dumocrats” couldn’t find SOMETHING they could twist into anything they could use, there is not anything to BE found. This “investigation” was not to search for commission of a crime. Its was to search for a crime, they could pin on Trump, period. And they couldn’t find anything they could use to get rid of a legally-elected president, and they’re mad and frustrated. If you can’t find evidence of a crime, you leave it alone. At least, intelligent people do. But there are no intelligent people in the Dumocrat Party. (Legal Insurrection)

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