Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Schools "Cooperate"

You've probably heard about all the "school walkouts" all over the country supporting gun control, haven't you? And you haven't heard much about any OPPOSITION to those "walkouts," have you? That's because the schools (and the liberal media) are suppressing word of ANY opposition, In one place, some students went to the shooting range and posted pictures from their trip. The school suspended them for that. In other places, students are on "spring break," and are thus not in school. The school says THEY are part of the anti-gun walkout. And some schools are paying to send students to various "demonstrations," while refusing to do so for students who OPPOSE new gun control laws. This is how they "tailor" the news. Prevent all opposition from getting traction. And gun control fools know it, and depend on it to promote their LIES. In one case, a man used a KNIFE to stab a bunch of school students, and the anti-gun fools jumped on that one, too. insisting on even more of their stupid, ineffective, anti-gun laws. (Just common sense)

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