Friday, April 12, 2019

Unconstitutional Actions In Florida

The killing of 18 helpless people, most of them CHILDREN, in Broward County, Florida, has hit Floridians hard, including lawmakers and the governor. Now they have passed, and he has signed into law, an UNCONSTITUTIONAL law to CONFISCATE guns from those under 21, who have committed NO CRIME with them, just because they're frightened. This law also apparently let them confiscate guns from a 56-year-old man who also had committed no crime with them. Unmentioned is the COMPLETE FAILURE of law enforcement to do what is necessary to PREVENT such things. Like actually PAYING ATTENTION when somebody informed the FBI that there was a "crazy" collecting guns and signaling his wish to kill as many school students as he can. Like the Sheriff's Department, who did NOTHING after there were 89 calls to visit this idiot's home because he was "acting out." The failure of the NICS System to have their files up to date, so this fool could buy his guns legally, in the first place. Then things were complicated by a cowardly deputy who cowered behind his car while that fool killed 17 people inside the school. Dumocrats swiftly reached for their torches and pitchforks and insisted on even more USELESS, INEFFECTIVE laws they have passed before, with NO EFFECT on "gun violence. And so life goes on, for other than those 17 dead. (Just common sense)

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