Tuesday, April 2, 2019

It IS A Crisis!

Many politicians, most of them Dumocrats, insist what is happening at our southern border is NOT a crisis. Which completely ignores the fact that it is a planned invasion, using innocent people who simply want to improve themselves. It’s hard to refuse such people, but we must, or be overwhelmed with “immigrants,” who want to bypass those who tried it the legal way and are still waiting to be admitted. When tens of thousands of people, every day, try and enter the United States any way they can, climbing over fences, tearing down fences, slipping in hiding under cars, etc., it IS a “crisis” if we are not able to accommodate them and, in order to help these innocent people, we must just “open the floodgates” and allow as many as wish to enter, to do so. That this is a PLANNED invasion of our borders is so obvious, it’s amazing that otherwise intelligent people can believe it is otherwise. Otherwise intelligent people IGNORE the tens of thousands of people who are trying to “batter down our gates” in their efforts to enter the United States. How did all these people “get together” to march to our border, all at the same time? Who set this up, and enticed them to do so? If you ask these questions, it becomes as obvious as the nose on your face. (Just common sense)

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