Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Democrat Ruination of Cities

If you want to see an example of what will result from the Dumocrats running things, just look at ANY Dumocrat-run city Chicago, for instance. They are in "money trouble," but that's common in Dumocrat-run cities. Dumocrats just don't have any idea how to manage our money. And when they run out, they just demand more, saying too many people "don't pay their fair share." But more obvious in Chicago is their astronomical "gun crime rate," after they've passed all those tight "gun laws," some of which were so tight they were DECLARED unconstitutional. Then there's Detroit, which is nearing (and maybe exceeding) bankruptcy. New York City had to DECLARE bankruptcy, and were only saved by massive influxes of money from cities that still had taxpayer money left, and could bail them out. There are many other good examples of the failure of Dumocrat "rule," but I’ll leave it to you to research that, yourself. Just pick ANY major city run by Dumocrats and my thesis will be proven. Just read the linked article. (Liberty Park Press)

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