Friday, June 5, 2020

Understanding Racism

Talk about a contradiction in terms! There actually is no understanding of racism. To hate somebody because of something he/she has no control over is really stupid. I understand somewhat the racism against American Indians 100 years ago, since they usually did a very efficient job of killing white people. But that’s long past and that racism should no longer be a “thing.” American Indians today are, for the most part, peaceful people, just trying to get along, just like we are. Racism against black people because of the color of their skin is not the same. They never did anything to rate the hatred. They were the VICTIMS. The hatred directed at them is based entirely on the opinions of those who enslaved them years ago. It is an outgrowth of that, and is to serve the wish of those racists to have somebody who is a “lesser person” than they are. Black people can’t change the color of their skin, so discriminating against them as a group is doubly stupid. Discriminating against ANY group, AS a group, is insane. Hatred of the Jewish people because of their religion, for instance. You shouldn’t hate somebody because of their faith. To do so means YOU can be hated because of YOUR faith. Nobody should ever be put down because of the group they are in. People are INDIVIDUALS, and I judge them as such. I look at each INDIVIDUAL and judge him/her AS an individual. If that person is a good person, I treat him/her as such. If a bad person, I treat them as I would any bad person, regardless of the group they are in. That’s the only LOGICAL way. (Just common sense)

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